Setting Goals to Expand the Wings of our Potential
Dr Sujatha Sudheendra
Head: HR & Admin, Aditya Birla Finance Limited I Head: Diversity & Inclusion, Aditya Birla Capital I Inclusive Leadership I Talent Management I Diversity Thought Leader | Ultra Runner
It’s the New Year time, and almost everyone we know, is busy setting goals or resolutions for the year. Goals are important to set directions at work and life. Not only do they give clarity to the mind, they also provide happiness of moving to the desired state. However, I do believe, that we do not need a New Year’s Eve to set a goal. Goals can be planned and actioned at anytime, that the need arises. More importantly, it is necessary to be aware of ourselves and our needs prior to setting of goals. An interesting stat indicates that 88% of the New Year Resolutions Fail – not because people are lazy to execute them, but because the goals are Vague. Setting a SMART, Relevant and Quality Goal is as critical as having a Goal in the first place.
Go ahead and set audacious goals for yourself, your teams, and organizations. At Corporate or our personal lives, beyond just setting SMART Goals, the greatest misfortune shall not be if we aim too high and fail, but if we aim too low, underestimating our potential and do not strive to stretch beyond the mark. This New Year, let us spread our wings to define and take the action - for in the action may await the potential Success. In 2018, let us step out of our comfort zones. Let us move from Mediocre to Meteoric … From being counted out, to being counted on.
Making successful resolutions also requires Character and Courage to withstand, sustain and carry out the goal, even long after the excitement or the moment is passed. Target achievement pressures, pain, difficulties, obstacles are a part of life. But as someone rightly said, “Courage doesn’t roar. At times, courage is the quite voice at the end of the day saying – We will try again tomorrow”.
Success and Failure are no giant events that suddenly show up. Every achievement comes with tiny steps, consistent actions and many times, collective efforts. Resolutions or Goals will require investment of time, dedication and willingness to strive for the better. Ultimately Success is a gradual process - a Craft that is unafraid to make mistakes. Indeed, even Fortune favours the Bold and Courageous.
In 2018 – Let us try to fly higher than ever before …