Setting Directions in Life
V Senthil Kumar, Entrepreneur I Sales Expert I Growth Partner I Global Sourcing I VCEO I
Sales Expert II Global Breakthrough Advisor II Growth Partner II Global Sourcing II Serial Entrepreneur || Business Strategy || Virtual CEO || Turnaround Specialist II
Today the biggest challenge the youngsters are facing is finding out what to do after graduation and beyond. More importantly, when and how to take this decision. Sometimes they believe they are not living the life they deserve.
This leads to an ordinary mediocre life and get stagnated at some point of life. If you want to live a grandeur life, you need to set the direction of your life at young age.
Success formula set by our society plays a major role in setting the right directions. Being the social animal, human being never violates this success formula as no one want to be a villain in this society.
As youth, you always want to be a hero and because of this, youth don’t want to deviate the success formula. Instead, this has created an illusion and youth failed to realise their hidden talents and skills.
This success formula has major draw backs and are listed below
·???????Treats only select few professions are successful.
·???????Fails to recognise the uniqueness of individuals
·???????Not valuing the importance of passion
·???????Business or entrepreneurship is not every one
Break the Rule
Need to be successful. You need to break the rules of success formula.?Create your own success formula that represents you.
As youth you should realise that you can create success only if you recognise that
·???????You are unique
·???????Talents and skills can be developed
·???????Believe in Yourself
Then, you are on right path to set your directions in life. As youth you should find out your true passion that will set your directions.
Passion – Pathway to find your direction in Life
Finding out your passion leads to the discovery of your Life Purpose. Passion+ Purpose will set the direction of Life.
Ask yourself, these 5 Simple, yet powerful Questions that will help you to find your passion
1.?????What make you smile or happy?
2.?????What are your childhood dreams?
3.?????What you love to do in life and talk about repeatedly?
4.?????What make you to take risk and unafraid of?
5.?????What would you regret for having not tried?
Now you are on the right path to discover your purpose of life that will set the direction of your Life.
Start working right now to set the right directions in your life that will lead you to a Grandeur Life...!!!!