Setting Deadlines and Getting to Work: Why Structure Matters
Ryan Stengle
Business Development | Treatment Advocate | Leveraging AI for Mental Health and Recovery | Startup Founder | Recovery and Wealth
Follow Me Down the SMART Goal Rabbit Hole!
This topic came to me for one reason only. I desire to stop having to work a 9-5 job. Don’t get me wrong I love working where I am and what I do. It goes back to a previous article about wasted talent. I believe I have more to offer the world and the recovery space outside the four walls. That’s a personal belief and desire. That’s when the idea of deadlines and structure came to mind. The idea is that I set a specific date of when I want this to happen and I stick to it. If it happens earlier than that, then great! If not, then I am not disappointed. But now what do you do to take the steps to make sure you complete these tasks??
Let’s use the old SMART Goals approach. Everything should be specific, measurable, attainable relevant, and timely. Pretty sure that is the name of the game. At least that’s what Thundercats taught me.?????
Specific: My goal is very specific. I want to work for myself and not worry about employment from other people. I’d much rather create my fate. Not everyone is made to be a business owner, but my outlandish ambition knows no bounds. I will work myself to the bone to make this happen. That’s the difference between an entrepreneurial mindset and one that conforms. That’s not a knock on people who work for a living. It’s merely an observation. Some cannot handle the consistent failure over and over again. My life as a career salesperson has led me to gain strength despite adversity. Salespeople take constant rejection and have a goldfish mind.?
Measurable: This goal can be measured. I have to achieve a point where my side hustle income outweighs or replaces my current income. Once I reach that dollar figure then it is considered a successful venture. I don’t even need to replace my full income. I need to get to a comfortable factor. This is a measurable number though. Manyself-help gurus out there talk about the $10,000/month mark. That’s dumb and hard to reach right out of the gate. I’d be happy making $3000/month with low bills. That’s just me though. Freedom of time over Income.???
Attainable: There is no reason why someone cannot create their fate. Based on the fact that I have whittled my expenses down to bare bones. There’s no reason why my goal of income replacement cannot be achieved. I don’t make nearly as much as I used to from my Wall St. days. It is much easier to replace a very minimal income than it would be to hit six figures. That’s why when I look at the goal it seems attainable. These figures can also be broken down into monthly and weekly goals where as long as you achieve a little at a time, then it makes it a verified goal. Like with my newsletter my goal is easy 3-5 new subscribers per week. That’s a quality and attainable goal. Some weeks are less and some more. Either way, that’s my average for the month.?
Relevant: This is the why? We set goals to achieve them or at least hope to achieve them. My why is I want freedom. That means freedom of time. I am willing to work hard to keep a business going, but I also want to take time off when I want. I don’t want to be bound to a vacation schedule and take the 4 days I get per year. That sounds like prison to me. I did that for 20 friggin years. I’m done with it. No other explanation should be required.???
Timely: Well hell yes! Very timely, and there is a specific time frame applied to this goal. It’s timely in terms of my life because I feel as if it is time to move to the next step. As for the time frame, that is easy I want to be done by the time my lease is up in Ohio. That gives me an exact date I need to be at my goal. That can be earlier or on that date. Either way, that date sits in the back of my mind no matter what. It motivates me to make sure that I get to that end goal.?
The real question is how does one track all of these things. I use ClickUp for my to-do lists and production schedules. It’s easy and has a whiteboard format that I like. Technology is great for keeping you on task. I also have an elephant memory, so it's not difficult to remember which tasks need to be completed. It’s just like the newsletter. I write every day, but I only publish once per week. I have them scheduled out almost a month in advance. It’s one less thing to worry about when you are ahead of the game. I pivot when necessary, and when I find something that works. I encourage everyone to start SMART Goals. They are helpful for just about anything in life. It doesn't have to be business planning. It can be everyday stuff too like workout schedules, weight loss, or mental health work. Call somebody else with questions.?