Setting The Balance
Nile L. Nickel
Leveraging technology to expand services, lower cost, and increase profit while boosting customer engagement.
Having a balance between our work and home lives sometimes seems
like a totally impossible task in today’s world when the professional and the personal lines are increasingly blurred, but knowing where to draw the line is vital
to avoiding burnout, maintaining relationships, and staying healthy.
One good tip is to avoid doing everything, even if you think you can.
Yes, it's hard to give up control, but your greatest value is in organizing and prioritizing the things that matter the most to you, such as the most meaningful relationships and responsibilities, and then actively mark out on your calendar blocks of time in which those commitments can be met. The activities and the people that give you the greatest rewards are the ones that you should be focusing on.
If you are a workaholic to whom the idea of even having a personal life, let alone a healthy balance, seems impossible then you can start just by taking a few small steps. Introduce some extra personal time to your schedule a little bit at a time. End work a little earlier, go to bed earlier, and take a Saturday off once in a while – little things can add up and create that personal life that you will soon want additional time to nurture.