Setting And Achieving Impossible Goals...
Christine Panek, CPA
Leading The Movement To Support Accountants & High-Stress Professionals / Stress Reduction / Increased Productivity & Goal Achievement / Enhanced Self-Image & Desired Lifestyle / RE*INVENTING & Disrupting Industry Norms
Setting a goal that you want to achieve that feels impossible is one thing, but being able to take the steps to achieve your impossible goal is what will ultimately allow you to stay on track and achieve it.
So many people have big dreams and set impossible goals, but they all too quickly fail and give up on something that could have been not only possible but also a reality.
What's the key to setting those impossible goals and making sure you are able to attain those goals?? It's easier than you think...
Most of us set goals that we know we’ll be able to accomplish.? We often base these goals on what we’ve done in the past, or what we know will be obtainable.? When we do this, we don’t leave much room for growth.
We don’t stretch ourselves, we don’t dream big, and we, more often than not, continue to reach for small and obtainable goals.? We don’t look at working towards anything beyond what we think is our capacity.
But what happens when we want to set an impossible goal?
First, let’s define what an impossible goal is.
An impossible goal is a goal that you set that you feel is impossible, but when you really think through it, you know that there is a way that it could be possible.
It’s a bigger goal, one that your mind thinks is impossible to achieve in the present moment, but you are ready to do what it takes to make it possible.
When you take the steps to set an impossible goal, you instantly expand your thinking and can then start working towards achieving it.?
Just by believing that if something isn’t possible right in this moment, it could be, or will be possible in the future.? You can do this by starting to generate the vision and the excitement of reaching past your current capacity and past the idea of your goal being impossible.?
Thinking like this will help you expand your vision and allow you to start working towards different ways to reach your goal. When I work with my clients, many of them have set impossible goals to double their income. This is often in their business, but I also have quite a few professionals who want to double their income in their careers or from their employers.
When they set impossible goals like doubling their income, it seems unattainable, but we get to work on what they need to do to achieve their impossible goal. We open up possibilities, and I hold them accountable for following through on their goal so that they don’t give up, even when their lives get busy or they feel like the goal is no longer obtainable.
So often, when I work with my clients, they are just unsure about how to get started on their impossible goals. Part of the work I help my clients with is when they wonder what happens when you set your impossible goal for the future, but obviously, you are living in the present moment.
This is an area where I will agree that, say, in the example I mentioned earlier, you want to double your income.? This isn’t normally something that will happen overnight.? It’s no different than when I am working with clients who want to lose weight.? They set their impossible goal, and realistically, they aren’t going to lose all their weight the next day, or the day after that, and more than likely, it won’t happen in that next month or so.?
You need to make decisions about how you are going to take the next steps to reach your impossible goal.? You have to find a way to get from where you currently are starting at, to reaching your impossible goal.? So, are you ready to see how you can start achieving your impossible goals…
If you'd like to hear more about this topic, I'm inviting you to sign up for the Mastering Your Mindset Moments podcast for high-stress professionals. This is a free private podcast where I dive deeper into this and many other topics. When you're busy working in a high-stress profession it's often hard to accomplish what you truly want in your life. This private podcast offers solutions you can immediately apply to your life so you can not only achieve your goals, but increase your sense of purpose, satisfaction, and lead a more fulfilling and enjoyable life. You can sign up at to hear about the solutions I provide on this topic.
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