Sets up a Facebook Ads Campaign for a client … 2 days later there are 23 leads in the bag.
Daniel Latto - High-converting funnels and Facebook ads
UK Based - We Help Build Brands. We Create Marketing Content / Videos / Images / Emails / Facebook Ads Campaigns / Complete Marketing Funnel Design.
It can take AGES to set up a Facebook Ads campaign up however, for various reasons, including just getting Admin Access to the Facebook Pages, setting up a pixel, getting credit card information set up, getting brand colours from clients, and creating fabulous looking advert sets that will convert the paid traffic that’s been sent.
And if you think you’re just going to set up a campaign with no thought about where the lead actually goes, what you’re giving away, what the follow up process is going to be, then you’re wasting your time (and money)
In addition, if it’s set up and ready to go in an hour or two, I can guarantee, you’re just throwing money down the drain. Im sorry to say.
A quick bish bash bosh on some Facebook Ads isn’t going to save your business this year.
Like most things, it needs to be done correctly or it just won’t work.
Of course you may get incredibly lucky, and generate leads immediately that just keep buying and buying – that’s the dream for many.
But it rarely if ever works like that.
There’s just so much that goes into a successful paid social media ad campaign, and LUCK isn’t one of those factors.
So you need to get all of this correct
– Marketing Assets (ie video / audio / carousel)
– Lead Magnet (depending ont he client, you may need to give something away)
– Follow up Email Sequence
– target audience specifics
– Landing Page – is this the best landing page you have, what’s it’s purpose, what is the user supposed to do and so on
Then finally, there’s this secret sauce that nobody talks about … which is about how much experience you’ve got on running ads.
It’s where the science crosses over into an art form, and it consists of a bunch of pyschology of buyers, what makes people click, what turns people OFF and makes them not click and so on.
It’s this last bit that’s really hard to quanitify, as it’s just something you do after so much time of running ads you get better and better at.
The only way I can describe it is like an unconscious set of actions which lead you to the right result – you’re not quite sure how you got there, but the knowledge, education and technical know how leads you to the place that experience then takes over from.
Frankly, it takes years of learning how to do this stuff properly, just like it takes a sportsman years to get unconscious at their sports.
So if you’ve ran ads, and they haven’t worked, then this actually may be the reason why – you’ve just not ran enough of them to get the experience you need to find a way to make them work.
As a small Digital Marketing Agency, we’ve spent £tens of thousands of pounds in ad spend, and we’ve spent countless hours on the Facebook Ads Interface putting together campaigns for clients.
To get a campaign that works right out the gate like this one, is RARE.
Don’t let people tell you otherwise, it takes a lot of tweaking to get the ads to work right, which is why we give WEEKLY REPORTING on our Facebook Ads Campaigns for transparency – both us and the client then gets to see real world results and work out if they’re working or not before spending any more money.
I post about this stuff as it’s important. People think business is EASY.
And sometimes it can be.
But most times, it’s not. It’s frustrating, and doesn’t make sense.
Stuff SHOULD work.
But rarely it does.
The reality of the situation when it comes to Facebook Ads, is that if you’re doing it on your own, it’s probably not going to work, and you’re going to blow through your account
So if you have spent money on ads, and it hasn’t worked … you can relax.
That’s a totally normal result.