Tom Hardiman
Bridging Finance Consultant & Sales trainer- . Firmly Focused on Providing phenomenal Bridging Finance
Setbacks create those horrible feelings that develop in the pit of your stomach and creates a sweat over your body along with a nervous feelings. Some are minor and only cause minimal symptoms described above, whilst others can be major and necessitate all your strength and courage to conquer and cause extreme and prolonged symptoms as described.
This is the area where many silent health problems start developing without our being aware of it and the symptoms only start showing later. We are all well aware of the undue effects of continued stress on the human psyche and body, and in sales this is a very real threat that we need to be well prepared for.
The early days in a sales career can be brutal especially if it is a targets driven, results orientated, full commission earnings structure and many people are thrust into this position with either no, or very little basic sales training. This compounds the issue because it is really tough to have to learn and practise new skills and techniques whilst at the same time earning sufficient money to live comfortably and pay the bills. Your attitude to setbacks and temporary failure is absolutely critical to your survival in sales and your long-term health.
It can be soul destroying when you have put in the hard yards and then something or someone comes along and seemingly needlessly puts a stone in your works, or you lose a sure sale through no fault of your own, or you are proved wrong on a point you feel strongly in favour off. Our saving grace toward the setbacks that will occur when life punches us in the mouth is all in our attitude.
The way we choose to act and react to setbacks and challenges determines the results that we ultimately end up with. We cannot control the circumstances many times, of the setback, but we most certainly can control our attitude to it and the way we choose to solve it and allow it to affect us.