Set Yourself Up for Success
Not long ago, Brandon, one of our sons, gave me this very practical tip, “Set yourself up for success.” He mentioned it to me while we were discussing riding my motorcycle. Motorcycles are Brandon’s passion and whether it’s riding them or working on them, he is purposeful, passionate and obsessed. This simple phrase resonated and was exactly what I needed to hear for my upcoming ride.
Unexpectedly, his words have stuck with me well beyond being on the bike. As simple as it sounds, I find myself using it as a way to plan, prepare and approach much more than the ride.
Brandon told me, “Everything you do on the bike is a decision that impacts an outcome. Better planning and decisions equal better outcomes. It’s that simple. You have to think about your choices and set yourself up for success.”
Profound and clear, both personally and professionally. It’s about what each of us commit to everyday that determines our level of achievement, accomplishment and results.
This year, 50 other people are joining me in setting themselves up for success in the new year with the 2018 #Thoughtstarter Challenge. It kicked off this week and the focus for the first 5 days is challenging yourself to maximize your strengths–so you can set yourself up for success. It’s not to late to join us, sign up here.
Success won’t chase you. You have to plan, prepare, and execute.
Set Yourself Up for Success,
I’d love to hear what this phrase means to you in the comments.