Set on Holiday Mode
You looking at the clock? Yes, I know that's the most productive thing you did all day besides walking to go get a coffee. Don't worry it's not just you, I'm doing it too and probably all the elves in the North Pole. If humans were cellphones we would be comparable to airplane mode during the end of the year.
As humans we are careless and can be lazy at times. When coming back to work from the long holiday break, what is the last thing from work you remember doing? Think harder. I agree it's hard to remember, we are probably trying to meet a deadline with the least amount of effort.
During this month, I have been training about this program called Opstrakker. What is Opstrakker? Well I'm not going to explain it when you can click on a link.
I haven't had any recipe authoring experience. This was where I started and hoping to advance into the MES systems. So why an electronic logbook versus paper? Easy, do you want to keep on making mistakes whenever you initial and date or just hit backspace and retype? After commenting the wrong date and initialing your initials again, it looks like a blood bath and then you have to get the Quality Department involved and no one wants that..not even Santa.
I created a demo of Opstrakker using a demo version of Screencast-O-Matic. This video is to show you the basic functions of what it could do.
Sorry for the background noise, I made this video at my local coffee shop and uploaded it without editing it. In other words, being lazy. This is another version of the workflow.
Did that impress you? Probably not, but that's okay. Just remember this when signing your next document. How many times will you have to reprint the forms because of the wrong revision number or go chase signatures when QA ask you to go get this resigned. It feels good to be right without having to argue with you. What's the next best step? Ask some more questions about what else could Opstrakker do. Thank you for reading and enjoy the holidays! Now you can go back to work and feel productive today.