Set Free From Fear

Set Free From Fear

Have you ever been so frightened that you were almost immobilized by your fear?

Have you ever felt like the evil one was intimidating you so he could stop you in your tracks, and keep you from doing not only the thing that you wanted to do, but the thing that God wanted you to do?

A Literal Scaredy-Cat

I want to share a quick, funny story about our cat that we used to have. This cat was such a character.

He was not the friendliest pet on earth, to say the least. He tended to be a "scaredy-cat", to tell you the truth.

Our young son used to chase him around (probably one of the main things that made him a scaredy-cat in the first place!)

As an adult now, I think he feels badly about the things he did playing with that cat. But even into his adolescent years, that "little" kitty (who was actually quite large) would let our son carry him like a ragdoll.

If memory serves me, the cat's stomach would be facing up and out and he'd be totally relaxed with his legs hanging limp. I'm not really sure how he did it. But somehow the cat was quite accepting of our son, even though he was the one who treated the cat more roughly than anyone else.

Seeking Shelter

Anyway, I have a story about our cat that happened one morning, when my husband and I were getting ready for the day to go to work. I think our son lived with us when this happened, and was probably either getting ready for school or had already left.

Suddenly, our cat started racing through the house incredibly quickly and frantically. He made quite the racket, going from room to room. It went on for a while, and we couldn't tell what was wrong.

Then, the chaos stopped abruptly. It was as though he had disappeared. We couldn't tell where he had ended up, and we called for him and looked all over for him.

Upstairs, downstairs, under things, in his favorite hiding places.... Nothing. It was the strangest thing. We knew he had to be in the house somewhere, but there was no trace of him.

So, I encouraged my husband to go on to work, and I'd find him eventually. So at that point, alone in the house, I started to look for him all over and called gently for him.

Still no sign of him.

Finally, I looked under our bed. We do keep things under our bed, so I'm not really sure how he got under there, but perhaps he had thought he would find some shelter there.

He was looking at me with the HUGE eyes that cats get when they're terrified and are about to hiss.

The last thing that seemed desirable or prudent at that point was to stick my hand under there and try to pull him out!

In looking closely though, it became apparent that he couldn't come out if he tried. He had something around his neck that was holding him in place.

Apparently somehow (what do they say, "curiosity killed the cat"?) he had gotten his head into the handle part of one of those plastic grocery bags we used to use. He must have started to run, and of course, the bag then became like a balloon floating, billowing and following him, probably making a racket as well. The faster he ran, the more threatening it probably seemed to him.

It's actually pretty hilarious to think of him trying to outrun something like that. So, he must have tried to dive under the bed to hide from his pursuer. Unfortunately for him, the plastic got lodged under there and held him fast.

Set Free

So, to rescue him from his predicament, I got some scissors, spoke softly to him, while getting down to his level, and gently snipped the plastic from around his neck. At that point he took off running, finally freed from what was binding him.

The story was funny in hindsight, but it seemed like such a clear illustration of the way that we can be sometimes. We can be so fearful and anxious, and when we look at things from the Lord's perspective, our issues are often like that plastic bag.

The Lord tells us repeatedly, both in the Old and New Testaments to "fear not". Unfortunately, we usually DO fear, and like that cat, often the littlest things can set us off.

Certainly, some fears are grounded, important and protective. There's a reason that the Lord put the feeling of fear into our arsenal, so we can avoid danger, for sure.

At the same time (and all too frequently it seems), the evil one can send or use a situation in our lives to cause us to panic, because we're afraid of what may happen, what's behind us, what's in front of us, etc.

The Lord tells us "don't be afraid" and that He's with us.

Toothless and Paper Tiger

I'm not saying that the evil one can't cause real havoc in our lives. Our fears and anxiety can certainly make those things worse though, and cause us to jump from the frying pan right into the fire.

To be sure, our Lord is MUCH stronger, and desires to be our protection.

So many of the things that make us afraid are really "nothing", just like that plastic bag was a fake threat. It was the cat's actions that caused it to be so dangerous in the end.

The evil one's schemes are like that. He is really just a toothless and paper tiger in the end, especially when he is faced with the Holy One.

In snipping that plastic from our cat's neck, gently and calmly, it seemed to be a picture of the grace and gentleness with which our Lord will draw near to the most rough and raw recesses of our hearts and set us free, if we desire that and are willing.

Unfortunately, many of us look at Him with wide eyes and hiss if He attempts to set us free.

Be Not Afraid

This time of year, especially THIS year, it seems to be a good time for a reminder that Jesus is still on His throne, and He can't be removed from that position, regardless of what transpires around us.

Seek Him above all, and by all means, have a humble heart that sees His desire to FREE you, not to condemn you.

Here are some scriptures that will hopefully minister His grace and truth to your heart.

The first one tells about the time right after Jesus had been sharing many parables with His disciples, and after this story on the boat, He would cast the demons into the herd of pigs when they arrived on the other side of the lake.

"That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, 'Let us go over to the other side.' Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, 'Teacher, don't you care if we drown?'

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, 'Quiet! Be Still!' Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

He said to his disciples, 'Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?'

They were terrified and asked each other, 'Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!'"

(Mark 4:35-41)

They were very fearful! First they were fearful of dying from the wind and waves. Then they were afraid of HIM because He was able to control the waves by telling them to be still and the waves actually obeyed Him!

In another relevant passage, Jesus tells his disciples what/Whom TO be afraid of:

"I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him."

(Luke 12:4-5)

In my heart, and likely the scriptures for sure, that is really the only fear that we are supposed to have--fear of God. That's the beginning of our wisdom and knowledge ... to fear Him (Proverbs 1:7). Not to fear the things around us.

Of course, if we don't KNOW Him, we will easily fear everything around us, and we SHOULD fear Him greatly (so if you're in that category, might I recommend turning to Him right NOW?)

For us who believe in Jesus, our fear of God is based in an incredible AWE, that He is SO much more powerful than we are, and that He has the right and ability to determine our fate after our days here are over.

Also, that awe is based in deep gratitude that although we fall SO short of His perfection every day, and He is justified in sending us to hell, He paid for those sins that would condemn us. And now, out of His deep and profound love, God the Father sees us as He sees His beloved Son, Jesus.

We who are "in Christ" have been brought near, by His abundant grace.

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

We love because he first loved us."

(1 John 4:18-19)

So, my question for you is "What are you afraid of?"

Are you afraid of things that might happen in coming days, years? Are you afraid of people; circumstances?

Is the evil one following you and harassing you, until you turn around and realize he's just a plastic bag that's stuck around your neck?"

You need the Lord to gently come to you and deal with the evil one in your life, and to deal with your fears. Because they're NOTHING compared to Him.

Jesus is the real One. And He loves you enough to draw near and with tender loving-kindness deal with the sin issue; to deal with your fears, and help you be free from them, so that you can walk in the ways in which He desires.

May that simple word and word-picture of that silly cat of ours help you to see that your fears are often unfounded.

Let Jesus silence the wind and the waves that buffet and threaten you. Even if you think He is sleeping on a cushion in the boat of your life ... He knows where you're going; He's got you covered; He's with you.

And if you don't yet know Him, and you feel like you're all alone in your boat, by all means cry out to Him. And get in touch with me or someone else who knows Jesus and ask how to get to know Him. It will be the best decision you'll ever make.

Be not afraid, my friend. Instead, be set free from fear, in Jesus name, and by His abundant grace.

Lisa Prokopowitz is a Christian Singer/Songwriter, Podcaster and Blogger who seeks to lift up the name of Jesus and draw hungry hearts unto Him.

The song associated with this week's podcast version of this episode is called "Be Still". It is from Lisa's "Sacred Sojourn/Follow Me" CD and is available here:

Watch her video of the song mentioned above (Be Still):

This article is from the "Manna From My Father's Hand" Blog, and can be found at

The podcast version of this episode can be found here:

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