a set of connected things that work together for a particular purpose
Konstantinos Konstantinidis, M.D., Ph.D.
Director - ExCtu - addressing the Health Tourism Sector "Builder Class" (a.k.a. the "growth makers" and “developers”) by providing the infrastructure supporting economic activity and enabling the system to function
…the secret behind the creativity of great minds (Miliind Harrdas)
To illustrate this article, on creating systems in Contemporary Health Tourism, by connecting dots, I used the front cover of the e-book titled “Connecting the Dots”, by Miliind Harrdas (? https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44170949-connecting-the-dots? ).
a powerful creativity principle
...putting a group of independent but interrelated elements to create a unified whole
The purpose of this article is to point out that in Contemporary Health Tourism, some of the “systems” (see meaning further down), were created through the Strategic Concept and Practice (and powerful creativity principle) known as “connecting the dots”.
The author of the book used to illustrate this article talks about the secret behind the creativity of great minds - implying that the ability to “cleverly” join dots is a form of creativity.
connecting the dots
…to see the “bigger picture”
“connecting the dots” is a process which involves:
"connecting the proverbial dots" means identifying, understanding and establishing relationships between seemingly disparate (unrelated) “pieces” (things – pieces of information) to form a larger, more coherent picture.
In essence, it's about looking beyond the individual pieces and seeing the bigger picture - understanding how seemingly unrelated things “fit together” and contribute to a larger whole.
?connecting the dots is a prerequisite for successful integration
…integration is the outcome of successfully connecting the dots
During the process of transforming Health Tourism, I found myself initially, dealing with several isolated “items” (fragments) – which I regarded as “dots”, that would (eventually) need to be connected in a process known as “integration”.
This led me to consider the “connection” (association) between the concept & practice known as "connecting the dots" and the concept & practice known as "integration".
I came to the conclusion that “connecting the dots” is a prerequisite for successful “integration”.
It became obvious that before I could effectively integrate the different elements (items – fragments), I needed to understand how they relate to each other.
Identifying these connections ("connecting the dots") allowed me to determine how best to combine them.
Stated a little differently, “integration” is the outcome of successfully connecting the dots.
Once I understood the relationships between different elements, I could begin to integrate them in a meaningful way.
After completing Phase 1 of the “undertaking” (known as “trailblazing the way forward”) – at the end of 2023 – I could connect the dots – and it all “tied in”.
Phase 2 (“the road ahead”) was set in motion at the beginning of 2024 and is ongoing.
The phrase "it all ties in" means that different things or ideas are connected or related to each other in a meaningful way.
In essence, the phrase implies that there is a coherent and interconnected whole to something that may initially appear fragmented or unrelated.
"it all ties in" is a way of expressing the interconnectedness and coherence of things that may initially appear unrelated.
the meaning of “system”
…a set of connected things that operate together (Cambridge Dictionary)
A “system” is a group of interacting or interrelated entities that form a unified whole.
Stated a little differently, a “system” is a group of interacting or interrelated elements (things) that act according to a set of rules to form a unified whole (Wikipedia).
In simpler terms, a “system” is a group of related parts that work together (The Britannica Dictionary).
Some other dictionary definitions:
the Contemporary Health Tourism “systems”
…created by selectively connecting dots
The main Contemporary Health Tourism “systems” are:
“systems” as Combinational Innovations
…taking things that exist and putting them together in a new way
Contemporary Health Tourism is known for being associated with “originated and implemented innovations” (permissionless, combinational and open).
“combinational Innovations” are those which come about by taking individual “things” which exist, and are useful, on their own – but become something more valuable – and create something new - when combined.
In fact, “Health Tourism” itself, is a Combinational Innovation (Health + Tourism).
See, if you want, LinkedIn article on the subject of combinational innovations:? https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/originated-adopted-implemented-innovations-constantine-cakvf/? .