Set Apart
Winsome Duncan BBC 1Xtra Future Figures
Book Confidence Coach - Scriptwriter - Speaker - I support aspiring budding authors to write and publish their books, using my exclusive JUST WRITE IT FORMULA!
When you are set apart. You are not the same as others. You do not follow the pack. You are a free thinker, you listen to spirit. You feel on a deeper level. When you are called to greatness, pick up the phone and answer ‘I am who God called me to be’!
‘I’m not like you’ is the oddest feeling ever, especially as society tells us to conform. The set apart individual feels on another level, they do not see through the eyes of 9 to 5, we collectively see a bountiful existence of which we can manifest our hearts desire.
When they leave you, know you are set apart, when they don’t like you, be assured you are not like them. Had they of been for you they would have stayed. When you have to take that lonely walk to freedom, they can’t come with you. You are wonderfully made, why struggle to fit in when you were born to STAND OUT.
Go ahead stand firm on the shoulders of giants and see the vision of your ancestors. Continue to light the way by burning the bush of hope. Hold your head high for when they reject you, it is God’s protection. Jehovah guides us through the torrential storms of life. Yes, there will be down days but praise the Lord, I am alive breathing in and exhale.
I don’t know who needs to hear this word today but it was buried deep inside my soul. I could not do anything else until I wrote this. If you are reading this know and this word resonates with you, can I get an Amen. It is well. Please share in your network.
God is love.
Attended Croydon College / London Met University
5 年I like your energy and fire! Go girl!
c.e.o.Housing Opportunities Programs and Education Inc. Reno, Nevada
5 年Wonderful Windsome: God predestined you to read scriptures like those contained in Psalm 139. Each person " knit in the womb". I have a book ready for publication entitled THE JOURNEY. It is an autobiography about my hearing God's still small voice in my mind at age seven, gifted with an Einstein I. Q., a violin prodigy who played on street corners all over Europe and in villages in Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania 1971-1973. My book was started in 2013.
Attended Croydon College / London Met University
5 年You are a child of the Universe, a star of your time. Remember you are not a mistake, God's Season, and timing for you is just Perfect! Shine like the diamond even in the storm! Be strong even when you are going through the fire, because that is the only way to perfection! Gold becomes polished after the fire! You might be rough at the edges, but remember, you are unique and there is only one of you. Some may say, they are higher than you, but always remember there will be others who would want to be like you! God gave every one a Especial gift that is unique from the other. You are higher than the Angles ! Because they wish they could be Spirit, flesh, and blood. You have the right to be on this Planet! You are born Equally and freely like anybody! Be bold and always strive higher! We have only one life, this is your Season! This is your chance.