Serving Time, Too
I was recently invited to a screening to the documentary entitled, "Serving Time, Too." It focused on the children of incarcerated parents and the affects that incarceration has had on them too. As a former teacher/facilitator for the Parenting Program in our Allegheny County Jail Re-entry Program in Pittsburgh, PA, I have witnessed the cost on all the lives of the incarcerated loved one. One group in particular stands out to me in this cost...the children. They often undergo circumstances that they contribute to the adult that they become. That can be either for the good or the bad. Amachi Pittsburgh continues to do a tremendous job of focusing on these children! I am forever grateful for the opportunity that Pittsburgh Mercy afforded me to teach the men and women located in the Allegheny County Jail and helping to bridge parents and children. This subject has been near and dear to me as a parent who had children in the same situation. WQED Pittsburgh, with the help of The Pittsburgh Foundation developed a documentary around this subject that is amazing to watch!