Serving People

Serving People

On april the 8th 2018 I successfully completed the course 'Brave Leader' of Brené Brown Inc., so I am pleased to announce that I am a Recognized Certified Brave Leader Brene Brown Inc. A very good traject, based on the research of Brene Brown, that defines Courageous Leadership, building up Courage and being Brave, being aware of caves and daring to face them or enter them. A joy to dive in this course.

After reading almost all the work of Parker Palmer (from 2014 till now), 'The Courage Way' of Shelly Francis and participating Retreats of the Center For Courage And Renewal by Barbara Reid, in april 2018 I started the ACT Acceptance & Commitment Therapist Education at CYVAS with Anja Weijers. I will take my time to this.

Future: of course I have a goal, Serving People. So with all this wonderful knowledge, practising is the most important and valuable aspect of it.

Thank you all for being connected with me on LinkedIn, best,

Pieter C Grimbergen



