Serving Bharat: National Act 2025

Serving Bharat: National Act 2025

Serving Bharat: National Act 2025

This is very precise Discussion! (may be expanded only on demand)!

Includes: One of Fundamental Problem with Bharat

?????????????? Causes of problem

?????????????? Solutions

?????????????? Scope of Work & methods

?????????????? Requirement: Building system & Money flow

?????????????? Protection: Digital currency Act

Need of separate Geographical State: Beyond Laws

?????????????? Protection & Empowerment: Agency and nation

Problem Statement: It is verifiably seen, known and understood very well that India is been at war deliberately as Mahabharat live since last few centuries. Present Time are most crucial few seconds!!!

The fundamental cause of this war is lack of nationalists. The fundamental cause for any nations to be at war on its own ground is Lack of nationalists. If nation’s’ is or are at war outside the geographical ground it is for diplomatic expansion or reasons!

Cause of Problem: The fundamental reason for India to be still in the race of developing nations and not standing as Developed country is that its Nationalists are been killed strategically throughout ages, specially after 1947. And sad to seen still every now and then nationalists are being killed deliberately, with planning, through Indian Laws and beyond Laws by anti-national and international. Traces are made to vanish from general public and news!

To be precise on point, we are not expanding reasons and how-to-ways to make general population and media to be fool into disguised or undisguised world!

?????????????? Thus, fundamental Cause of Problem: National and International Diplomacy and Power and other is Intellectual & Spiritual Causes and modifications with tools due to Greed or Lust!

?????????????? Here we are still keeping in mind and not expanding our Horizons to-who is behind the scenes, nations or Individuals!

?????????????? Solution: Super Confidential Agency : with Powers Beyond Parliament & LAW

This includes powers beyond Parties/Oppositions/Individuals/Leaders/Media/Journalists. It is necessary and outmost condition because, national leaders may be killed (already tried), national parties may be thrown out of Power. Those who know, knows how the power of diplomacy, media, money, and various other tools can and are already being used!

?????????????? Scope of Work: 1. Secretly Identifying Nationals/Individual/Leaders /Spiritual Masters/ mostly Commoner, working for awakening and upliftment of nation in various ways! and Protect them. With and above all the Laws and judiciary! Through or out of Law!

2. Freeing country from antinationalist.

Targets: No cut but Kill: Tail (and future tails) of the snakes, body of snake (through identification, separation), Head and All Future Heads of Snake!!!

“Future” Head/tails/body of the snake is most crucial part in long run, because heads and tails may come and go!

If there is no future………then there no future!!!!!

Method used: Natural /Unknown

Requirements: Building System and Money flow!

?????????????? Building a Hidden/secret and visible system network to identify & systematically destroys antinationalist and their system Through, Within and Beyond boundaries of Law!

?????????????? To run such system continuous flow of money beyond any obligation of Parliament/judiciary/law has to be channeled!

Some suggestions: mathematical models of calculations to be induced in supply chain management systems within and outside GDP and other is Printing (in war/extreme/emergency)! Example currency in demand=x, Currency printed = 1 (unit) + x & Currency supplied= x. Make every unit count for nation!!

Digital Currency Act: ?Over the time, digital transformations may desire to convert/use currency digitally! But this may cause blockage of unit/currency/fuel flow to system, just by owning/ruling the server! Thus there is another utmost need of Proper laws to generate/regulate/handle both digital and printed currencies in worst case of war!

Need of Separate Geographical State within the State: Beyond Laws. ?It is required in need/condition in war, if Boundaries are broken!!! Both geographical and or judicial!!! To protect, cater and controls the demand of war with capacity to hold and control all the powers of nations!!! Within and outside geographical boundaries of nations!! And also, to protect and locate/relocate armies of nationals!

?Two places are must: within India, outside India!

?????????????? Are People aware of Switzerland! Rome! Geneva? Where are the headquarters of World economic forum? Just being curious! They are simple beautiful places with NO Super Laws beyond Laws of all nations of earth!! Just DIVINELY Protected!!!

?????????????? We also need one of a Kind!!!

Protection/ Growth of Nationals: There is a need for nations to protect its greatest treasures! The environment is harsh just any moments! Visible Upliftment’s are required secretly, to empower such people, in terms of undisclosed quotas/offers/teaching and professor grade posts/awakening departments/providing necessary degrees etc legally and silently so that future and mass students & population can be awakened for the betterment of nation!!!

Lastly, Identification in loop holes and modifications: Great Things takes time to build!! Great Nations Too!!!! And we are Trying!!! Thus, a continuous process of identification of loop holes in the system is needed and modifications are must!

We will WIN!!!!


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