Serving Beyond Yourself - Thank You Veterans For Your Service

Serving Beyond Yourself - Thank You Veterans For Your Service

Not Everyone is Willing to Serve Others.

They say we Live in a "Dog-Eat-Dog World" where you have to "Look Out for Yourself".

But when you look at the Reality of the World, places that Fully "Live" that Mentality becomes Horrible Places.

Darkness Surrounds Them.

But the Places that Thrive?

They are Built on a Foundation of Servitude.

People Working Together.

People Utilizing Their Strengths For Each Other.


This is the Only Path to a Long-Term Successful Society.

When we Work Together, we can Create Peace.

But there is a Level of Servitude that is Beyond the Ordinary.

It is Wonderful to Aid those Around You.

It is a Completely Different Level of Dedication to Put Your Life on the Line.

Yet, Veterans have Done "Exactly" That.

But Why is a Military Needed in a Peaceful Society?

Some people wish to Destroy Peace.

They will Do "Everything" in their Power to Do So.

Unspeakable Things.

Including Murdering Innocent People.

So, people who Serve in the US Military have Agreed, Willingly, to put their Lives on the Line to Protect Others.

Others Who Only Want Peace.

It takes Incredible Courage to Stand Against the Darkness.

It takes More Courage to Risk Your Life Against the Darkness.

Many of these Veterans had Spouses as they made this Decision.

Many had Children as Well.

They Chose to Risk their Lives, even though they likely Wished to be with their Families.

But they Chose to do so in order to Keep their Families Safe.

As well as Millions of Other Families.

Truly Selfless.

But it goes So Much Further than this.


War Changes You.

It is Incredibly Difficult to "Not" Be Affected by the Darkness.

So, many Veterans have Faced the Darkness, and it Deeply Impacts their Mind.

Some make it out mostly Unscathed.

Others Are Not as Lucky.

Many Veterans face Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Not to mention, there is Physical Damage which many are left with.

Or the Pain of Watching Your Best Friends Die Right Next to You.

The Horrors are many.

You'd think that Veterans would be Appreciated Greatly for these Deep Sacrifices they Make.

Yet, often they are Not.

Many Are Not Paid Well.

Many Receive Little Assistance for Their Health.

I've had Family Members Struggle to get Half-Decent Attention for their Medical Needs.

They Wait for Help and Frequently Do Not Receive It.

Then, there are the many Barriers they have Returning to Civilian Life.

Are they given Tools and Resources to Assist with the Return?


Most of them are just Expected to "Figure it out".

But how are you Supposed to Do That?

How do you Relate to a Person Complaining about How "Horrible" Their Life is because their Coffee Wasn't "Right"?

How do you Respect a Leader when They Put "Nothing" on the Line for the Team?

How do you Put Up with Customers who Treat You like the Scum of the Earth for a Tiny Mistake?

How do you Move Forward when So Many Give You No Respect for Putting Your Life on the Line?

In the States, today is Veterans Day.

People say, "Thank You for Your Service".

But are We "Truly" Thankful for Everything Veterans Have Done?

Do We Treat them Like the Heroes that They Are?

Veterans Day Should Not be a Single Day.

We Should Appreciate Our Veterans "Every" Day.

They have Risked So Much.

They have Given So Much.

They have Suffered So Much.

For Us to Have Peace.

For Us to Live Free.

It is an Incredibly Difficult to Serve Beyond Yourself.

But it is So Much More Difficult to Risk Your Life.


You Deserve to be Appreciated.

You Deserve More than You're Given for All You Sacrifice.

You Truly are Heroes.

From the Bottom of my Heart, Thank You.

I Hope that you Receive More.

You Deserve It for Your Service.

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Multi-Award-Winning Sageship Coach, Daily Digital Writer (800+), Producer, TV Show Host, Podcaster, Speaker | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | Categories: Sageship & Legendary Leadership | #1 Creator: Typeshare & Vocal

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