The ServiceNow Data Digest - 09/03

The ServiceNow Data Digest - 09/03

In the latest ServiceNow update, we discuss the necessity for disaster recovery, and why ServiceNow's backup technology fails to meet many organization’s disaster recovery requirements.

1. Blog: Disaster Recovery for ServiceNow Users

Disaster recovery is essential in supporting an organization’s overall business continuity strategy. A well-crafted and tested disaster recovery plan helps to minimize the impact of a disaster and ensure organizations can restore operations quickly.

Read more.

2. Solution Sheet: Snapshot for ServiceNow

Snapshot is natively installed within ServiceNow, and allows users to:

  • Backup to a user-defined schedule
  • Create on-demand backups as and when required
  • Create unlimited backups and retain them indefinitely
  • Backup and restore quickly without affecting ServiceNow’s performance
  • Restore without any ServiceNow downtime
  • Granularly control what is backed up and restored with condition-based filtering

Download the Solution Sheet to learn more about Snapshot for ServiceNow’s capabilities.

3.?From Around the Web: Example Disaster Recovery Plan for Small Businesses

Small businesses make significant investments in IT infrastructure. They must protect those investments from unplanned and potentially destructive events with a DR plan.

Read more.



