Marianne (Oblate Rita)
Oblate of Saint Benedict (Catholic Spiritual Writer / Certified Massage Therapist & Cranial Sacral Therapist / Previously Int'l Shipping)
When I think of service, I think of Benedictine monks serving each other at mealtimes, or caring for the sick and elderly members of their community. I think also of the ten years when I served as Eucharistic Minister at a care center, bringing Holy Communion to the sick, praying with them, and in some cases, saying goodbye knowing that they had reached the end of their earthly pilgrimage.
Jesus said he came not to be served, but to serve. Jesus was born to die. He died to redeem us and to save us. Jesus served in the most beautiful and radical way. He served until death, death on a cross, and shed his blood until the last drop.
Advent is a time of prayer, preparation, and watchful waiting for the coming of Jesus. How do we prepare to receive Jesus in our hearts and homes at Christmas?? By repenting of our sins and cleansing our hearts through the sacrament of Penance. By forgiving those who have wronged us and praying for their conversion. By letting go of our worldly ambitions for wealth and success. By letting go of the need to dominate and control others.?
We were created to love and to serve God and one another. We need to open our hearts to those who need our love. We need to open our hands and wallets to help the poor and the hungry. We need to care for the sick and elderly in our families and communities. We need to be present to those who are lonely or grieving. We need to give without expecting anything in return. We need to strive for peace and share the peace of Christ in a world that does not know peace.
Then, we can say, O Come O Come Emmanuel and dwell in my heart. Stay with me. I love You. I need You.?