To be USEFUL is to serve a purpose. SERVICE is the action of helping or doing work for someone.
I had dinner last night with a 96-year-old man who was a tank commander in World War II. Living in a small space with four other guys with no amenities while getting shot at constantly. We thank him for his SERVICE so we enjoy our freedoms today.
He heard I was a doctor and determined it was very important to him to share a message with those providing geriatrics care. Remember the person has a lot of experiences and has many decisions they have made in the past – he was asking for dignity, respect, human recognition, caring. He was expressing that SERVICE is often lacking in how he is treated today. If this message is shared and someone caring for others is inspired to share more dignity and respect, than his communication (which is getting difficult for him) is still providing a SERVICE.
We can ask ourselves the basic questions about the SERVICE we provide:
- Who do we serve?
- What do we do to provide service?
- When do we serve?
- Where do we serve?
- Why do we serve?