Servant Songs
Andi Wijaya
President Director at BestChoice.ID | Faith-Driven Leader | Innovator in Tech Solutions | Champion of Long-term Engagement
Isaiah 52:13 "See, My servant will act wisely; He will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted."
In Hebrew: Hinne yas?kiyl abdi? ya?ru?m vena?a' vegavah' meo?d.
Hinne ("See"): A call to attention, indicating the importance of what follows.
Yas?kiyl ("will act wisely"): Rooted in the verb sakal, meaning to act with insight, wisdom, and prudence.
Abdi? ("My servant"): A title indicating a special role or mission given by God.
Ya?ru?m, vena?a', vegavah' ("will be raised, lifted up, and highly exalted"): These three verbs indicate a progression of exaltation, emphasizing the servant's ultimate glorification.
Friends, imagine you are at a grand concert, an inspiring speech, a significant town hall, or an important meeting. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation as the speaker steps up and calls for everyone's attention to make a crucial announcement. To your amazement, he begins to announce your good works, praising your contributions and dedication. Can you feel the rush of honor, humility, and excitement swelling within you? Now, elevate this scene to the divine realm. Imagine God, the Creator of the universe, calling your name in the midst of a magnificent heavenly assembly. How would you feel? Take a moment to let this sink in deeply.
Next, picture this: Your president or king summons you for a special mission critical to the nation's welfare. You are to infiltrate enemy territory as a covert agent, living as an ordinary citizen while your true objective is to influence as many people as possible to return to your homeland. Would you allow yourself to become consumed by the mundane tasks of daily life? Or would you keep your focus sharp, ever mindful of the special mission entrusted to you? Now, imagine God Himself calls you His servant (Abdi), entrusting you with His divine mission. Would you dare to take this sacred task lightly?
Let’s delve deeper with one more vivid illustration. Envision standing in an immense crowd, a sea of faces stretching to the horizon. Suddenly, your name is called out. Your diligent work and steadfast commitment are publicly acknowledged. Those nearby lift you up onto their shoulders, carrying you to the stage so that everyone can see you. You are then awarded a medal of honor for your exemplary performance. The feeling of pride, validation, and joy must be overwhelming.
Now, elevate this imagery to the divine. Picture yourself standing before God, resplendent in His glory and splendor, before His majestic throne. God calls your name, lifts you up, and exalts you in front of all the heavenly hosts.
How would you feel?
This, my friends, is the glorious destiny that awaits us at the end of our earthly journey if we say, "Yes, Lord, we are willing to be Your servant, to fulfill Your mission, and complete it faithfully."
Lastly, I remain in awe of how a single verse in Scripture can carry such deep and profound meanings. If this is not a book inspired by God, I don’t know what is.
Jesus loves you!