SERVANT LEADERSHIP -Leader of the Month is Stan Adamcewicz
No man — or woman — is an island. It’s true. While a healthy dose of self-reliance and independence
Forward-Thinking Spirit Stan views the world in a forward-thinking way. As he points out, there are more than 2,800 negative words and about 1,700 positive words in the English language. He definitely accentuates the positive through his interactions with agents. And that all starts from a genuine place inside. “I work a lot on myself by removing any limiting beliefs
Gaining Ground Stan first earned his real estate license in 2000. Before that, he had attended a couple of years of college — realizing that wasn’t the right path for him. From there, Stan went into a sales position for 10 years that required him to work 60 to 70 hours per week. “I used to pray about what I was going to do in life. Through my sales role, I realized how much I loved interacting with my customers and helping them. This role also gave me the opportunity to grow as an individual and become as successful as I could imagine myself to be. At that time, I also realized I was working too many hours and spending too much time away from my wife, Melissa, and our very young children,” he remembers.
“I decided I wanted to work with Melissa, who was and still is in real estate. It was perfect because it gave us the flexibility to be able to spend time with each other and our children. We worked together as a team for many years in real estate sales before I became team leader of our Metairie Keller Williams office.”
Since then, Stan has helped to guide the overall growth within the brokerage and become a perennial leader in the industry and real estate market. Today, Keller Williams Realty 455-0100 has a team of about 330 agents.
Deep Gratitude Just as Stan likes being there to support the success of others, he has deep gratitude for those who have done the same for him through time, including his mother, Gail Straughan, his long-time mentor, Lucy D’Angelo, and his wife, Melissa.
“My mom was a homemaker for our family. She was thoughtful, caring, and sympathetic. Growing up, she never judged or placed blame for things. She was always a positive influence and support system
“And, of course, Melissa has added so much to my life. We’ve been married for 29 years. She is smart, has integrity, has a great moral compass, and is also a high achiever. It’s important to have people in your life who add value to you. Plus, I’m fortunate to be with a company that prioritizes personal and professional development
Stan has served as team leader for the past 11 years. As he is quick to point out, he has learned and grown through the natural course of trial and error. “It has been a journey of failing forward. When I do make a mis - take, I think about it and go over it in my mind to figure out what I could have done differently or better and learn from it.”
Active Pursuits Away from work, Stan has a love for the beach and the water. He also enjoys boating. “I love coming home at the end of the day, spending time in our back yard, cooking on the grill, and hanging out by our pool.” When it comes to making a difference, Stan is proud to be part of Keller Williams and its KW Cares initiative. “The Foundation of Keller Williams is its culture. Through our agents’ generosity and donations to KW Cares, they each contribute when they want as much as they want. If anything happens to one of our agents or immediate family, due to natural disaster or health issues, we will help them,” he says.
“For example, after Hurricane Ida, we were able to provide generators, supplies, grants, and gift cards to all those in need. Being in a position to be able to help with grant applications and provide financial assistance and hope is such an amazing feeling. It’s one of the best feelings for me to be able to write a check and help our agents who are at their lowest moments.”
Day by day, Stan represents a stalwart brand of sup - port through selfless service.
“I’m very transparent. I share my stories of success and failure. I’m a self-diagnosed life coach. Over the years of being a team leader, agents come to me with their personal challenges as much as their professional challenges,” he smiles. “They know they can come to me in confidence and that I will never judge. They are looking for answers or help to navigate through their current situation. I’m a very positive person who wants to make a positive impact on the lives of others, and through my role as team leader/ manager for Keller Williams, I get to do just that.”
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