Seriously, if you won’t bet on yourself, why should anyone else?
Mack Story, Blue-Collar Leadership?
Helping Leaders Engage the Frontline to Improve the Bottom Line.? │ Author of 15 Books │ Leadership Speaker │ Cultural Transformation
You must bet on yourself.
If you won’t bet on yourself, why should anyone else?
"Living intentionally leads to amazing results. Living accidentally leads to depressing disappointments. A better tomorrow won’t just happen. You must be intentional and make it happen." ~ Mack Story
As you grow and develop, new opportunities will appear. You will develop new relationships along the way that will lead to many of those opportunities. People will take notice. Discussions about your future will happen without your knowledge in many different areas. People who have never talked to you will begin talking to you. A lot will happen.
Don’t give up! Keep hammering away. It may seem like nothing is happening. Real growth takes some time. There are no shortcuts. If you pay the price, you will reap the reward. That’s a natural law. Trust me. It will happen.
If you keep repeating the cycle, it will keep happening. As long as you’re willing to continue paying the price, you will continue creating more options and building more relationships.
I know. I have lived what I’m teaching. I’m not telling you what I’ve learned from nearly 30 years of research. I’m telling you what I’ve learned from nearly 30 years of application and transformation. Nearly 30 years of action!
Not 30 minutes. Not 30 days. Not 30 months. 30 YEARS!
I encourage you to be a river, not a reservoir.
What I mean is don’t hoard the knowledge. Let it flow through you and into others, even if your goal it to separate yourself from the crowd. High impact leaders always bring others with them. That’s my goal with you right now. I want to bring you with me.
I believe in you. But, the key is this: you must believe in yourself. As you grow and learn, you must be willing to bet on yourself. You will have to step out on a limb and experiment. When you do, don’t be afraid to fail. That’s how you learn.
As long as you don’t quit, you cannot fail. Failing is only failing if you quit trying to learn how to succeed. If you keep trying, failing is really learning.
Did you fail to walk or did you learn to walk? You learned without knowing how and no one taught you. Your parents didn’t teach you. They may have helped you and supported you, but you learned all by yourself. No one can teach you to balance yourself. That has to happen on the inside.
You also didn’t learn to walk the first time you tried. You actually failed at learning to walk hundreds, if not thousands of times, but eventually you figured out what to do by learning what not to do. Learning to lead (influence) from the front lines may be the same way for you. Don’t give up. Keep trying.
If you’re like the rest of us, there’s a lot that’s got to happen to you on the inside before it can happen for you on the outside.
My biggest challenge along the way hasn’t been others, although some made it tough on me at times. My biggest challenge has been ME. I work on ME every day. Remember, every challenge is an opportunity for growth whether it comes from the inside or the outside.
"To grow, you must be willing to let your present and future be totally unlike your past. Your history is not your destiny." ~ Alan Cohen
Don't miss my recent article that was featured on ATD: 3 Ways High-Impact Leaders Unleash the Potential of Blue Collar Teams
Visit for free videos, podcasts, and to download the first 5 chapters of two of my blue-collar books, including Blue-Collar Leadership & Supervision: Unleash Your Team's Potential. There's also an online store where you can purchase our 19 books and other resources.
FREE downloads and videos available:
Click here now for a FREE download of the entire leadership principle-packed Chapter 11, "Get Out of the Way and Lead" from the first book in my Demystifying Leadership Series: Defining Influence. In this nearly 20 page chapter, I share about:
· Managing vs Leading
· Scarcity vs Abundance
· Formal Authority vs Moral Authority
· The 5 Types of Leaders
· Compare/Contrast 17 Manager vs Leader Perspectives
Click here to access the first 5 chapters of “Blue-Collar Leadership: Leading from the Front Lines.”
· Ch. 1: I’m one of you.
· Ch.2: I believe in you.
· Ch.3: You’re in the perfect place.
· Ch. 4: Common sense is never enough.
· Ch.5: There is an “I” in Team.
Note: I encourage you to be a river, not a reservoir. Please share my blogs with others if you find value in them. I believe in abundance and write them to help others become more effective, successful, and significant.
My passion is to help you live with abundance, achieve success, choose significance, and leave a legacy. In other words, I want to help you make a High Impact!
Marchant Consulting, Inc., Police consultation, training and investigations for over 40 years
7 年Good stuff, Marc Story!
Owner at Daniel R Embody JR CPA
7 年Failing to plan is another way of saying planning to fail - by default.