As Serious As An Unsuccessful Heart Attack

As Serious As An Unsuccessful Heart Attack

You’ve heard the expression, as serious as a heart attack. ?But have you ever considered how serious an unsuccessful heart attack might be?

Consider for a second that a successful heart attack is one you survive and recover from. ?Leaving out mortality, what then is an unsuccessful heart attack? ?

I submit that an unsuccessful heart attack is the one you almost recover from.?It doesn’t kill you right away, but it forces a significant change to your lifestyle moving forward.?

An unsuccessful heart attack is the one that leaves you weakened but not quite disabled, requires a long-term adjustment to your lifestyle, a less strenuous job, a smaller house, and a different diet and exercise routine.?

In the end an unsuccessful heart attack can cost a lot of money too.?From time off work, to lost productivity, lower income, and increased expenses for everything from medications not covered by the average health plan, to a more expensive whole foods diet, a gym membership, and a personal trainer to help keep you active and strong.

Do you know anyone who’s had an unsuccessful heart attack??

My uncle did.?Triple bypass surgery, months of rehab and almost a year off and he’s still not the same.?Thankfully he had Critical Illness Insurance, a specialized policy designed to pay a lump sum to aid in recovery from a life-threatening illness.??

Thirty days after surgery my uncle received a cheque for $50,000 that he used to replace some of his lost income and offset the cost of the lifestyle changes he had to make.?

I don’t know what he would have done without it.?His disability insurance didn’t kick in for another 2 months, and some of the meds he’s been taking aren’t covered by his health plan.?Let me tell you, that can really add up.

Critical Illness Insurance is a great product that helps when you must find a way to go on living after a life altering event like an unsuccessful heart attack, cancer treatment or any number of major life-threatening ailments.?I often recommend it even before Life Insurance.?

Your bills have a way of coming even after your income stops and there is nothing worse than watching your life unravel while you take the time necessary to recover.???

Do yourself a favor, book a strategy session with me today and let’s see if Critical Illness Insurance makes sense as part of your financial plan.


PS:?For more information on Critical Illness Insurance and how it can help go here


