A series of articles on writing and publishing your book.

Questions you must ask yourself and answer?

What is the title of my book?

What is the genre? Fiction or non-fiction

If fiction, then who are the characters?

There must be a plot, and all must flow.

If non-fiction, then the book must be factual.

Will my book be inspirational/Christian or a mystery novel?

Why is this subject important to me?

Why is the subject important to me?

Who is my target audience?

What do I want my readers to know?

What is the length of your book? (the number of pages or word count).

This varies depending on the genre.

A memoir normal word count is between 50,000 to 80,000

50,000 to 80,000 yields 180 to 250 pages.

A children’s book from 300 to 800 words (if that many).

Early Readers’ books are from 200 to 3,500 words.

General fiction books vary from 4000 to 100,000 words depending on the sub fiction category.

What font size will I use and the font itself?

What line spacing is best? Note: you and your editor will best determine the answer to the question –mostly.

My next post will be a Brainstorming session on your book.


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