Series of articles "New Physics"? - Article N3 - "Addressing US audience on tackling climate change"?

Series of articles "New Physics" - Article N3 - "Addressing US audience on tackling climate change"

Our team of scientists has been researching alternative energy sources based on new physical principles for more than 20 years.

We have discovered a way to create alternative, clean sources of renewable energy unknown to modern science. Such energy sources can solve both the energy problem and the problem of climate change. And also to solve the problem of autonomy of transport energy sources, and the problem of fuel pollution.

For such energy sources to be patented, a change in patent law is required.

We ask legal companies (if any) to provide us with Pro Bono services – to eliminate obstacles in the field of patenting and development of alternative energy sources. We also propose to contact the Congress and the US Government – to consider these issues there. This requires legal support that exceeds our capabilities.

We want to create a public organization in the United States, the task of which will be to convey our discoveries to the government, president, business, industry and US citizens – as a country capable of fulfilling the task of creating alternative energy sources based on new physical principles. Therefore, we apply (to legal companies and private lawyers) with a request for Pro Bono services to create and maintain such a public organization. We offer cooperation to all public organizations and companies that want to develop alternative technologies developed by us.

We summarized the essence of our discoveries in this article, see below. We are ready to give detailed comments and/or answer your questions in conferences (for example, organized via Skype).

We intend through the organization we created to disseminate information through training: students, company employees and university employees. Through training, we want to transfer the knowledge and technology of the production of alternative energy sources (based on new physical principles discovered by us).

This will help address the energy and climate change challenges. Including the problems of eliminating fuel pollution and cleaning the world's oceans. Since the abundance of energy will completely change the processes of waste processing, the problems of creating electric transport will be solved. This will solve: problems of agricultural production in greenhouses, problems of desalination of water, problems of land reclamation, and so on. Therefore, it is very important to convey our discoveries to the world.

We are a group of scientists from Russia, for more than 20 years engaged in research in the field of alternative energy sources based on new physical principles. But we cannot apply this knowledge in Russia. Therefore, we decided to appeal to the US audience as the most technologically developed country with all the possibilities for the development of alternative technology.


Our research and its results.

We have discovered that the energy and dynamic laws of Nature depend on the symmetries of the action of the field. We found that the laws of Nature operating in orthodox (classical) technique are based on symmetric action of fields and symmetric interactions. But there are other laws of Nature based on field action asymmetry and interaction asymmetry. These laws are still unknown to people. They were discovered by us in the course of research on field theory, and we attributed them to a hypothetical, so-called alternative technique.


Alternative technique.

As it turned out, alternative technology has existed on Earth for more than a hundred years, although it is in the marginal field of public practice. This is because the laws of Nature operating in alternative technique are not similar to the laws of Nature operating in classical technique. These laws (in effect in alternative techniques) are denied by modern official science. However, over the past hundred years, the inventors have created hundreds of designs of alternative technology. All of them operate on the basis of the new energy laws we have discovered, based on physical principles unknown to modern science.


Traffic measures.

The existence of an alternative and orthodox technique (and the corresponding two classes of laws of Nature) requires their theoretical description, compatible with modern physics. Our task was to unite the laws operating in alternative and orthodox techniques into a single whole. And we did. Based on the adoption of a new energy paradigm, in which energy and momentum are human-made measures of movement. The fact that energy and momentum are measures of motion is confirmed by the fact that they are not preserved when changing reference systems. They are generated along with the movement of the field potential. The new paradigm assumes that energy and momentum (as measures of motion) can be both generated and destroyed in a class of asymmetrically acting fields. This is one class of Nature's laws. But energy and momentum can be stored under the symmetrical action of fields. This is another class of Nature's laws. Both of these classes of Nature laws are laws of conservation and change of motion measures as field integrals. These laws are entirely dependent on field symmetries and are mutually complementary. Therefore, the law of energy conservation does not contradict the law of energy change. Since these laws belong to different classes of action of the energy laws of Nature and different classes of interaction.


Potential and potential field energy.

The potential and potential energy of the field is the ability of the field to control movement and change it. The measure of this ability is different for fields with different symmetry. This measure is limited for so-called potential fields and symmetric interactions. And not limited to asymmetrically acting fields and asymmetric interactions having potential asymmetry. Asymmetric fields can change motion and its measures in a monotonous manner. That is, such fields are capable of both generating and destroying energy and momentum. They are eternal engines of the First Kind. These fields also exist in classical technique, but in classical technique their action is neutralized by interaction symmetry. Interaction symmetry determines the laws of conservation of energy and momentum. The existence of eternal engines of the First kind does not contradict the law of energy conservation.


Free energy.

The new energy paradigm is expressed in the concept of "free energy," adopted in alternative technology and its theory. This concept means that energy and momentum can be both generated and destroyed in asymmetric processes of action of field potentials, and can be preserved in symmetrical processes. Energy and momentum are stored in classical technique, and are changed (not stored) in alternative technique. According to our theory, energy (in both classical and alternative devices) is produced by asymmetrically acting fields. But the symmetry of interactions (in classical technique) hides these processes and leads to laws of conservation of energy and momentum. What hides the presence of the phenomenon of free energy in classical technology and in the classical (orthodox) interpretation of the energy laws of nature.


Free Energy Generation Law.

Energy is always generated through the asymmetry of the action of field potentials. This process acts equally both in Nature and in orthodox (classical) and alternative techniques. There is a law of generating "supplemental" ("free") energy in a physically isolated system. According to this law, the additional energy (generated by the system) is equal to the energy generated by the asymmetrically acting working field (potential asymmetry), minus the energy consumption for field generation. This law allows you to get additional energy in all alternative devices. Including in alternative electrical machines and transformers, as well as in alternative power plants.


Universal Energy Systems.

Universal energy sources can be created in any form of physical motion. This is confirmed by the development of alternative techniques. But the question arises: Which systems of alternative technology are more effective than others (in terms of their practical use in modern technology)? From a technical point of view, electromagnetic devices are the best - alternative electrical machines and transformers. Energy in them is generated due to asymmetrically acting electromagnetic fields and asymmetric interactions. That is, due to the asymmetry of the electromagnetic potential. Based on these devices, universal power plants can be created, which can be endless sources of environmentally friendly electric energy.


Tackling climate change.

Universal power plants can supply transport, production and the sphere of human life with electrical energy. They are also capable of addressing fuel pollution and climate change. Such devices can solve all those problems that are relevant for modern humanity, which are insoluble with the help of orthodox technology.

If the decision is made at the government level, then it will take 10-20 years to create alternative technology and its ubiquity. This will completely solve the problem of climate change by spreading alternative technology, which is an endless source of clean energy. In this case, neither fuel nor modern sources of renewable energy (water, sun, wind, biofuels, geothermal waters, tidal energy) will be required. The solution to climate change lies in the development of alternative energy sources.


Our mission.

At the moment, we can provide information to both governments and various public organizations, foundations and commercial companies - to educate their employees on the basics of alternative technology. After such training, they will be able to create alternative devices themselves, and these devices will spread around the world. As a result, the problem of climate change will be solved. At the same time, the problem of fuel pollution and the problem of autonomy of transport energy sources will be solved. The energy problem of producing clean energy from renewable sources will also be solved.

We see the fulfillment of our mission in the creation of a public organization in the United States (here are the main technology companies and universities). We hope to receive from legal companies (or other companies that specialize in business consulting) proposals for cooperation: both in the field of creating a public organization, and in the field of its support and concluding contracts with companies and/or universities in the United States - contracts for training specialists and transferring alternative technology to them.



P.S. There are many videos on the Internet on real devices of alternative technology. If someone wants to repeat these devices, then they must contact us for consultations with us, since they will not be able to repeat these devices on their own (without knowing the laws of action of alternative technology). Just as without knowledge of electrical engineering, it is impossible to design and create the simplest radio receiver, electric motor or transformer.


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