Series of articles "New Physics" - Article N2 - "Tackling climate change"
Андрей Прошлецов
Системный инжиниринг. Разработка проектов любого уровня сложности, "под ключ". В том числе нестандартные задачи. ЭКОЛОГИЯ, ВОЗОБНОВЛЯЕМАЯ ЭНЕРГЕТИКА, СЕЛЬСКОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО: /
The problem of climate change is unsolvable when using traditional fuel-powered techniques (as a source of energy). Even the use of energy-saving technologies and renewable energy sources (water, wind, solar, biofuels, geothermal waters) cannot solve this problem. Which is recognized by many countries as the main problem facing humanity. How can mankind solve this problem?
Climate change can be addressed through alternative energy sources and alternative techniques. But what is "alternative technique"? How does it differ from classical (orthodox) technique? And how can it help address climate change? In this article, we will try to briefly answer these questions.
Classical (orthodox) technique.
Classical (orthodox) technique is based on symmetry of field interaction. Symmetry of forces follows from symmetry of field interaction. From the symmetry of forces follows the symmetry of changes in energy and momentum, in the so-called symmetric interactions. Interaction symmetry leads to laws of conservation of energy and momentum, in so-called classical isolated physical systems. In classical technique, the law of symmetry of forces (Newton's Third Law) and two conservation laws apply – momentum conservation law and energy conservation law. Both of these conservation laws can mathematically be derived from the law of symmetry of forces. Since under symmetry of forces the sum of integrals of mathematical measures of energy and momentum is preserved.
Alternative technique.
Alternative technique built on field interaction asymmetry. Asymmetry of field interaction implies asymmetry of forces. From the asymmetry of forces follows the asymmetry of changes in energy and momentum, in the so-called asymmetric interactions. Asymmetry of change in these motion measures leads to laws of change (non-preservation) of energy and momentum in isolated physical systems. That is, in an alternative technique, there is a law of asymmetry of forces and two laws of asymmetric change of motion measures – pulse change law (pulse non-conservation law) and energy change (non-conservation) law (for an isolated physical system). Both of these laws of change (non-preservation) of motion measures (momentum and energy) can be mathematically derived from the law of asymmetry of forces. Since at asymmetry of forces the sum of integrals of measures of energy and momentum is not preserved. Interaction asymmetry is created by the asymmetry of the fields of interacting systems.
Energy and Dynamic Laws of Nature.
The energy and dynamic laws of Nature depend on the forms of symmetry or asymmetry of interaction. Symmetry of interaction leads to symmetry of forces – energy and momentum conservation laws apply in isolated physical systems. Asymmetry of interaction leads to asymmetry of forces – laws of change (non-preservation) of energy and momentum in isolated physical systems apply. Both of these classes of laws are mutually complementary and therefore do not contradict each other! But each class (type) of these laws corresponds to some natural phenomena inherent only in them (this class/type of laws). And the corresponding types of equipment.
In this article, we will not write about natural phenomena, only about classes of technology. The laws of preservation of motion measures and classical (orthodox) technique correspond to the class of symmetric interactions. The class of asymmetric interactions corresponds to the laws of change in motion measures (non-preservation) and non-classical (alternative) technique. Both types of technology are mutually additional, as are the classes of energy and dynamic laws of Nature acting in them.
At the moment, humanity knows only one class of energy and dynamic laws of Nature – based on symmetry of field interactions – classical technique corresponds to this class of laws. The second class of energy laws of Nature and the corresponding class of alternative technology for humanity, unfortunately, is still unknown.
Alternative technique is not officially recognized, but is created by scientists and inventors who act (create such technique) intuitively. In this area, over the past century, hundreds of designs of alternative technology have been created, functioning in most forms of physical movement, where it is possible to create field action asymmetry and field interaction asymmetry. Let's talk about ways to create field asymmetry in another article.
Current examples of alternative technology were created in formats: mechanical movement, thermal movement, electromagnetic and electromechanical movements, chemical and electrochemical movements. All of them (such active examples of alternative technology) are based on the asymmetry of field interaction and are eternal engines of the First kind. Eternal not in the sense of their physical eternal existence (such existence cannot be in systems of real technology), but in the sense that such systems can endlessly (during their physical existence) generate energy and momentum due to the asymmetry of field interaction (potential) they have. Using such devices to generate energy can solve the problem of climate change. And also other pressing problems of mankind: fuel pollution, autonomy of transport energy sources, autonomy and environmental friendliness (cleanliness) of energy sources in general.
Electromagnetic energy sources.
Among alternative techniques, the best devices (from a technical point of view) are electromagnetic systems built on the asymmetry of electromagnetic interaction: These are alternative electrical machines, circuits and transformers that are capable of generating additional energy. And classic electrical machines, electrical circuits and transformers (based on the symmetry of electromagnetic interaction) - so they are not able to generate additional energy. External energy sources are necessary for their work. And for alternative electromagnetic systems, external energy sources are not needed, since energy is generated in them due to the asymmetry of the electromagnetic potential.
Alternative electrical circuits, transformers and electrical machines can be endless sources of energy. They do not require fuel for their work and do not create fuel pollution of the environment. Such devices generate environmentally friendly electrical and mechanical energy due to the asymmetry of electromagnetic interaction. Such devices can be completely autonomous sources of energy. Including, they can be autonomous energy sources of transport. They can create both energy and heat - by asymmetry of the electromagnetic potential.
Energy Generation Law.
Potential and non-potential fields.
Asymmetric fields are called nonpotential fields, and symmetric fields are called potential fields. Asymmetric fields are primary. Symmetric fields consist of two asymmetric fields with the opposite action. Energy is always generated only and exclusively by asymmetric field or asymmetric interaction.
The law of energy generation, considered as a whole.
Energy generation (both in the orthodox technique and alternative technique) is based on the use of field potential action asymmetry. Because only fields with asymmetric action are able to generate momentum and energy. But the energy generated by these fields, due to the general symmetry of the interaction present in classical technology, leads to the action of the law of conservation of energy in classical technology. Therefore, systems of classical technology operate within the framework of the law of energy conservation, such systems are unable to generate additional energy and momentum. In alternative technique systems, field potential asymmetry and interaction asymmetry allow the production of unlimited energy and momentum.
Additional Energy Generation Law.
The additional energy (generated by a nonpotential, asymmetric, field) is equal to the energy generated by this field, minus the energy that is spent on generating this field.
In an alternative technique, the energy cost of generating the working field is much less than the energy that is generated by the working field. This allows such devices to generate both necessary and additional energy. The necessary energy is spent on the production of the working field, and additional energy can power the payload. Therefore, such systems operate with an efficiency (energy generation) of more than one. In classical technology, everything happens differently - the energy spent on the generation of the working field is greater than the energy generated by the working field. Therefore, energy (for field generation in classical technology) must be constantly replenished from external sources, and the working field fully works on the payload.
Alternative technology and climate change solution.
Humanity has misconceptions about energy and its generation, so humanity uses fuel systems to generate energy. Other ways of generating energy for people are still unknown, although such systems exist in nature, alternative techniques are built on them. There are efficient alternative sources of energy - these are alternative electrical machines and transformers that can autonomously generate any amount of environmentally friendly electrical energy. The creation and use of such systems by human civilization can completely solve the problem of climate change on Earth in 10-20 years.