Series of articles "New Physics" - Article N1 - "What is energy?"
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Системный инжиниринг. Разработка проектов любого уровня сложности, "под ключ". В том числе нестандартные задачи. ЭКОЛОГИЯ, ВОЗОБНОВЛЯЕМАЯ ЭНЕРГЕТИКА, СЕЛЬСКОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО: /
Humanity has misconceptions about energy and the energy laws of Nature. Energy is just a measure of movement, created by man. And the action of the energy and dynamic laws of Nature is determined by the symmetries of the acting fields. Therefore, all energy and dynamic laws of Nature are secondary to the laws of field action. We want to talk about this in this article.
Many people are sure that energy is some kind of Nature, such as substance or ma-teria. It's wrong – energy (as opposed to matter) is not stored when changing reference frames. Energy behaves as well as momentum and speed. That is, energy cannot be a substance of Nature. So what is energy?
Field Motion and Symmetry Measures.
Energy is a measure of movement invented by man. All measures of movement are invented by man, in order to describe the properties and characteristics of movement. Movement has many properties – all these own structures cannot be described by one measure. Therefore, man created various measures to describe the difference: speed, momentum, energy (kinetic and potential).
Kinetic energy, momentum, velocity, acceleration are measures of motion. Since the movement is changed by fields, fields must also have some measures (expressing the properties of the field in the area of movement change). And there are such measures – these are field tension, potential and potential energy.
Field strength, potential, and potential energy are created along with the field. These measures express the field's ability to change motion. The ability of a field to change motion depends on the symmetry of the accelerations created by the field in the motion cycle.
Different (by configuration) fields control the movement in different ways. If the accelerations in the field are symmetric, then the potential energy of this field (in the cycle of motion of the bodies in this field) is zero. Such a field (with braking and acceleration symmetry) cannot change the kinetic energy, momentum and velocity of bodies in a cycle.
If acceleration or braking (in the driving cycle) is not symmetrical, then acceleration or braking prevails in the field of such a configuration. A field of this configuration can change (in a cycle) the measures of motion: the velocity, momentum, and kinetic energy of bodies (which are in such a field on cyclic trajectories).
Fields that have acceleration and braking symmetry are called potential fields. Such fields cannot change the motion measures of bodies (in a loop or at the intersection of a field). Fields with asymmetric acceleration and braking cycles are called non-potential fields. Such fields can change the motion measures of bodies (in a loop or at the intersection of a field). Since non-potential fields have (in a cycle) a non-zero measure of motion change, when cycles are repeated, these measures add up. In an infinite number of cycles, nonpotential fields can change the motion measures of bodies in an infinite monotonic way.
The potential of a single cycle for symmetric fields is zero. Therefore, for an infinite number of cycles, the potential is also zero. The potential of one cycle for asymmetric fields is not zero, and has a finite value. Therefore, with an infinite number of cycles, the potential energy of the bodies becomes infinite.
Asymmetric action fields are Primary fields. The secondary fields are symmetric fields, as they consist of two asymmetric fields with the opposite action. Symmetrical field is not capable of monotonous change of motion measures by absolute value more than by value of operation of one cycle of asymmetric field. That is, the potential and potential energy (as the ability to change movement) of symmetric fields has a finite value, and does not form monotone cycles, which fields with an asymmetric structure are capable of. But symmetric fields are capable of infinite cyclic motion variation within limits given by the potentials of asymmetric fields (which are included in a symmetric field). Asymmetric fields are capable of both monotonous and limited cyclic changes in motion measures, depending on the type of trajectory.
Fields as Eternal Engines.
Fields are eternal engines, since they (fields) are able to create forces in an infinite way, change movement and control the movement of bodies. An engine is something that can create force and change movement. Fields can do this (create forces and change movement) indefinitely for a long time. Fields are therefore perpetual engines. Asymmetric fields are eternal engines of the First kind, since they (asymmetric fields) can monotonously generate (or destroy) movement and its (movements) measures. Asymmetric fields have infinite cyclic potential and potential energy. The potential energy of a single cycle in asymmetric fields is finite.
Symmetric fields consist of two asymmetric fields with the opposite action. Symmetric fields can therefore change motion measures (by absolute value) in only one asymmetric field cycle. Symmetric fields are not capable of infinite monotonous change in motion measures (in absolute value). But symmetric fields can control movement (in its cycles) in the same infinite way, doing the opposite work in sign. Therefore, symmetric fields are also (like asymmetric fields) eternal engines. That is, any field by Nature is an eternal motor of the First kind – it is able to generate and destroy movement and its measures (including momentum and energy).
Asymmetric fields can monotonously change movement – change the speed, momentum and kinetic energy of bodies. If the body is simultaneously in several fields, then asymmetric fields can change the position of the body (in these fields). That is, asymmetric fields can change the potential (potential difference) and potential energy of bodies (in symmetric and asymmetric fields). In particular, if the potential of the body in a symmetrical field is at a minimum, then asymmetrical fields can increase this potential (by "charging" the symmetrical field and transferring potential energy to the body in it).
Fields of both types have potential. But symmetric fields are called potential fields, and asymmetric fields are called nonpotential fields. This name has been adopted historically. Symmetrical fields are also called conservative force fields, since they retain motion measures in any cycles. Asymmetric fields are called non-conservative force fields, since they have the ability to cyclically monotonically change motion measures.
Any potential field consists of two opposite non-potential fields, with symmetrical accelerations (directed in opposite directions and do the opposite work). Therefore, any potential field can be conditionally divided into two centrally symmetric non-potential fields. Symmetrically acting non-potential fields form a potential field in their totality.
Field interactions of bodies and charges.
Bodies (and charges) can be sources of field. Since the superposition of any fields is a field, the fields of interacting bodies form a superposition. Such a superposition can be for interacting bodies both a symmetric (potential) and asymmetric (non-potential) field. If the interaction is symmetric, then the superposition of the fields appears as a symmetric field (motion measures, including momentum and energy, are preserved). If the superposition forms an asymmetric field, then the braking and acceleration of the bodies become asymmetric, so such a field can change the measures of movement.
That is, asymmetric fields and interactions are able to monotonously change the energy and momentum of bodies in these fields and interactions (due to the asymmetry of acceleration and braking of bodies in cycles of motion). That is, such fields work as real eternal engines of the First Kind, capable of creating and destroying energy and momentum.
But the eternal engines are also symmetrical interactions. They destroy energy and momentum in one place and create it elsewhere. Due to the symmetry of destruction and the creation of motion measures, their total value is preserved. But the generation and destruction of motion measures by asymmetric fields (of which the symmetric interaction consists) occurs. But we don't notice that. That is, symmetrical fields and interactions also behave like eternal engines of the First kind.
Laws of preservation and change of traffic measures.
In total, energy and momentum are measures of movement created by people. They are expressed as field acceleration integrals. Depending on the field (symmetrical or asymmetrical), these integrals can both persist and vary. If these integrals are preserved (in symmetric fields and interactions), we have laws of conservation of energy and momentum. That is, the laws of conservation and change of motion measures (energy and momentum) are determined by field symmetry and are not the general laws of Nature!
The law of conserving the energy of an isolated system and the law of changing the energy of an isolated system are mutually complementary laws of Nature. The law of conservation of energy is caused by the symmetry of the action of fields and interactions. The law of energy change is caused by asymmetry of the action of fields and interactions. The same can be said about the laws of preservation and change of momentum of isolated physical systems.
Two classes of field action symmetry.
The most important position of the new energy paradigm – energy and momentum are measures of movement expressed by integrals of field accelerations. These measures (as well as other measures of movement) are created by man in order to describe the properties of movement. The laws of conservation and change of these measures are determined by field symmetry, understood broadly both as symmetry and as asymmetry.
Two classes of field action symmetry are distinguished: the first class is symmetric, the second class is asymmetric.
In the first class, the laws of symmetry of interaction apply, these laws create symmetry of forces. From the symmetry of forces, the laws of conservation of energy and momentum arise. Symmetric change in the integrals of energy and momentum measures forms the conservation laws of these measures. Interaction symmetry is the reason for the existence of laws of conservation of energy and momentum in Nature.
In the second class, the laws of asymmetry of interaction apply, these laws create asymmetry of forces (in the interaction between bodies or charges). This leads to laws of change in energy and momentum (as measures of motion in isolated physical systems). And it allows you to exist both eternal engines of the first kind, and systems with an efficiency (generation of energy and momentum) more than one.
Two classes of energy laws and two classes of engineering.
Two classes of field symmetry follow the existence of two classes of mutually additional energy and dynamic laws and two classes of technology operating under these laws. These classes of technique differ significantly in their properties. In one class of technique, the laws of symmetry of forces and the laws of conservation of energy and momentum apply. In another class of technique, the laws of asymmetry of forces and the laws of change (not conservation) of energy and momentum (an isolated physical system) apply. This makes this class of technology essentially eternal engines of the First Kind, such a technique is able to generate or destroy energy and momentum. All equipment belonging to the second class of energy laws has an efficiency greater than one. That is, this technique is capable of infinite generation of energy and momentum.
Classical (familiar to humans) technique is built on symmetry of interactions. Therefore, in such a technique, the laws of symmetry of interactions apply: Newton's third law, the law of conservation of energy, and the law of conservation of momentum.
An alternative technique is capable of unlimited generation of energy and momentum. But such a technique is not yet recognized by official science and society. Although devices of alternative technology have been created for more than a hundred years, during this time many different types of devices have been created (in various forms of physical movement). But the principles of operation of such devices (alternative technology) contradict the law of energy conservation, which is mistakenly considered by modern scientists to be correct (in the existing version). Therefore, the possibility of the existence of an alternative technique is called into question by modern scientists and society. Since people are sure that all technical devices must comply with the law of conservation of energy and momentum.
Modern scientists are unaware of the dependence of energy laws on field action symmetries. They do not know that energy can be produced and destroyed in any amount in systems with asymmetric field potential. Therefore, modern scientists cannot understand the work of alternative technology (the principles of such technology). Therefore, scientists see a contradiction in the existence of eternal engines and the law of energy conservation. In fact, there is no such contradiction! Since the law of conservation of energy (an isolated system) and the law of change (an isolated system) are mutually additional laws of Nature, due to different symmetries of the action of the field. Therefore, there is no contradiction between these laws! That is, there is no contradiction between the laws of conservation of energy and momentum and eternal engines of the First Kind, and systems with an efficiency of more than one.
Free energy and free energy generation law.
The rejection of the understanding of energy as a substance of Nature and the transition to a paradigm that recognizes energy and momentum as MOTION MEASURES will enable the free generation (and destruction) of energy and momentum (as motion measures). Such a paradigm is called the free energy paradigm. It allows you to understand how systems can exist that can generate (or destroy) energy and momentum without limit. Energy and momentum as measures of motion are generated only by asymmetric fields. To generate energy, the field potential must have asymmetry. Therefore, only non-potential ones can generate energy. In orthodox engineering, interaction symmetry imposes limitations on the generation of energy and momentum due to the laws of conservation of energy and momentum. There are no such restrictions for alternative technology. Therefore, in an alternative technique, the law of generating additional energy applies.
Additional Free Energy Generation Law.
The working asymmetric field in an alternative technique creates both necessary and additional energy. The necessary energy is spent on generating the work field. It is absorbed by the fields of resistance. Additional energy is supplied to the payload, absorbed by the load resistance fields.
Value of additional free energy created by asymmetric working field is equal to all energy created by this field minus value of energies spent on generation of working field and absorbed by resistance fields.
All energy generated by the working asymmetric field consists of the required energy (spent on field reproduction) and additional energy (to power the payload).
The law of generating additional (free) energy allows devices to exist, which modern science calls "eternal engines of the First kind" (systems with an energy generation efficiency of more than one). Such devices can be used as endless sources of energy for other systems (including those currently used by humanity). These devices do not require external energy sources for their operation. Since all energy is produced in them due to the asymmetry of the potential of the working field. In accordance with the free energy paradigm, the dependence of the energy and dynamic laws of Nature on the symmetries of the action of the field. This allows alternative technology systems to produce unlimited generation of clean and renewable free energy.
In its external form, devices of alternative technology do not differ from devices of orthodox technology.