Series 1/6: Editing using Walter Murch's Rule of Six (Emotion)
Brittany Drake
Copywriter for Online Service Providers Who Want Healthier Customer Relationships
Do you remember this scene from Pan’s Labyrinth?
A group of college buddies and I, which consisted of hopeful film students, rented a theater on campus to watch it together.?
Some of us had seen the movie and some of us hadn’t. I hadn’t.?
When Ofelia eats the fruit, I remember we collectively groaned and did one of these:
Then we were angry Ofelia got her little fairy friends killed.?
Then we were worried because she ran out of time and the door closed.?
Then we were anxious because the chalk broke.?
And then we were TERRIFIED.?
By the time the scene ended, all of us were yelling at the screen, hands up, biting our nails, and jumping in our seats.?
The stories you tell in your copy are not going to always be this exciting or suspenseful, but the emotion thrives in the moments.
Take an event you want to share that’s relevant to your audience and true to your experience.?
Revisit how you felt throughout the moment and write it down, then add why you felt that way.?
These were all real moments and as you see, I don’t lead a particularly action-packed or fantastical life.?
But, I do have these relatable moments that mean something to me and might mean something to my audience.?
The same goes for you!?
I hope you find this helpful in your writing when you’re editing for emotion or want to enhance your audience's emotional connection and feelings.?
This is part 1 of 6 on my expansion of Walter Murch’s Rule of Six, to help you edit your own copy. If you want a recap of all six rules, watch this video here.
Have a great day! Bye ????