This is an eternal, logically unanswerable question and for ages we have been conditioned into believing “There is a Supernatural Power called GOD who has created the world” and we are not supposed to apply any logic or analysis in GOD we must simply believe in it as an axiom that it is the absolute and irrefutable truth.
Over the ages whenever we have faced a situation or question that could not be answered … has been closed by a sweeping statement “It must be GOD’s will and GOD alone would resolve it”.
This line of thought does not quite gel with science and technology temperament and orientation:
- If we are unable to find answer to something, scientific approach is to say that “yes, we do not know this at the moment!” rather than projecting that we know and then assign it to GOD.
- If we acknowledge that “we do not know”, leaves a possibility for effort and research to explore and find the answer, if not fully at least to the next level.
If GOD created the world than who created GOD? Possibly, man created GOD ?
- Even if we accept the statement on face value that some “supernatural” power GOD must have created our world … the chain of counterquestions do not stop there … next question would be “OK then who created GOD?”
- If someone says “NO! GOD was already there” ; we could as well say “Our World and Nature was already there” so we may as well recognize Nature as GOD
- Why must we invent a “Supernatural” power called GOD? Surely there is no evidence for it being Supernatural … it could well be natural power that we may not know fully yet or it could be simply “unusual”.
- Supernatural means something that does not follow the laws of nature such as physics, chemistry, biology, nuclear interactions etc … there is no evidence that any such supernatural entity exists. What we term supernatural is probably only natural only we may not know it.
- There are serious limits to our perception even scientifically… We can sense something only based on electromagnetic waves ( light, radio waves, laser, X ray, Gamma ray etc ), gravitation, heat and laws of mechanics and stream / ballistics of fundamental particles.
- If for example, light travels along a curved strand of ether in absolute space; there is no way we can ever find it out … because for us path of light is the definition of straight line. We can only know the part of absolute space where light can travel … that would limit our perception.
?For a technocrat it is more important to know how the world was created
These answers may be sought at different levels from engineering considerations:
- Is it as per design or it is merely accidental outcome? Heap of proteins came together and life started?
- What was the process sequence?
- What were the tools / mechanisms used?
- From where did the energy come?
- What happened to the process waste?
- What are the feedback controls to maintain it on course?
- How was the efficiency and performance ensured?
Not just for this question “kissne Jahan Banaaya?”… these kind of questions would fetch us lot of learning from and for anything that exists.
It is good to have our individual faith, with it we are at peace with ourselves; BUT knowledge backed confidence to be able to "make a difference" is much more useful for the progress and evolution of mankind.