The wonderful trait given to us by mother nature is the capability to adopt to any “non-explosive” changes in our surrounding conditions and evolve to improve our survivability in the changed scenario.
- Modest and slower adaptation can happen naturally through evolution of our anatomy and physiology over generations.
- Bigger and faster adaptation happen by our unique human capability to be able to manipulate our surroundings through technology.
- We no longer search for caves in mountains to live we transport mountains and build designer dwellings where we want to live.
The diverse technologies to help us evolve range from agro, pharma, medical, energy, textile, construction, infra structure, machines, automotive, transportation, communication, IT and so on …
- Since these “man-made” technologies are ultimately result of natural intelligence they may also be regarded as a “naturally bestowed evolution possibility”, as ultimately all technologies follow the natural laws of Physics, Chemistry, Biology there is nothing super or sub natural about them.
- Even our intelligence, learning and though process has evolved naturally
- If there is a war of races / civilizations / ETs for survival today; it certainly would not be hand to hand fight since each side would be equipped with latest hi-tech rocketry, avionics, weaponry, communication, AI powered strategy and so on.
Today our synergy with vehicles and cell phones / laptops is our new “natural”
When our bodies start adapting to the lifestyle which comes naturally to us today; we go in reversal mode. We make all out efforts trying to “artificially” and deliberately go back to relatively older definition of the word “natural”
- Going out of the way for rustic diet
- Classic art forms which test extreme range and fidelity of body parts and music instruments … why should they in this era of synthesizer
- Avoiding medicines and food supplements
- Faith that anything herbal must be good ( without realizing that many poisons and narcotics also have herbal origin )
- Imposed exercise regimen trying to activate muscles that we no longer use / need in our regular daily life.
This confuses the process of us evolving naturally. And needlessly we start associating a sense guilt for having evolved.
Suddenly we start wanting our body to go back to suit the requirements and norms that were “natural” some 500 years back.
Of course, we dare not go farther to the stone age norms to a fully “natural” uncivilized state.
Something similar happens in the matters relating to our belief system:
- We uphold that ‘old was gold’ and it was absolutely perfect. We are not open for feedback, analysis and comparisons.
- Some even take pride in claiming that we have resisted any changes through our long history. Remember Asrani from “Sholey” … “ Magar hum nahin sudhare ha ha!! Arre jab hum nahin sudhare toh tum kya sudhroge ha ha!”
- We resist and deny ourselves any changes / amendments and possibility of evolving in line with the changing requirements of modern times and technology.
- We simply fail to accept and acknowledge that “whatever may have been best then may no longer be best now”.
Conclusion: Look at our history; we have lost wars and have been enslaved for the precise reason that while others had evolved, we did not.
It is again time-tested universal law of nature, a writing on the wall … those who fail to evolve eventually perish.