Serializing my thriller
It's holiday time! So forgive this foray into the world outside of work.
You know me for writing about fintech and perhaps some of my books on history, venture capital, and blockchain entrepreneurs. But I also write fiction, and suffer a checkered history of publishing thrillers.
I now keep the fiction under my pen name, Jamie Dibs, and I'm serializing my back catalogue on Substack. In fact I am starting a new series on February 1: DREADFUL PENNY, an international spy thriller:
Who is Penny Lee? Half Chinese and half German, raised in the US, she has six passports of different names and nationalities. She can pose as the daughter of almost anyone, from Lee Kuan Yew to Robert E. Lee.
She’s also an industrial spy and professional honey trap. While on assignment in Dubai, seducing a Kazakh oil tycoon, the tables are turned: now she is the one being targeted—for death, by a Russian mobster named Viktor who bears an old grudge.
She’s now on the run, with a mission to protect her long-lost sister, the last link to the life she had before she became Penny Lee. Viktor has discovered her deepest secrets and knows how to inflict the worst revenge against her. But when Viktor crosses a line, Penny can run no longer.
If you enjoy this sort of thing – perhaps like me you grew up reading books about James Bond and Jason Bourne – then you'll like DREADFUL PENNY. Although mine is about the villainous Bond girl, not the smooth chap in a tux. And because it's serialized, I'm drip-feeding Penny's story by installment. We all have day jobs.
Here's the link to my Substack, which is an email newsletter platform - no app or downloads required. My Substack houses a range of projects and it's called Dark & Stormy. If you sign up, you will receive short DREADFUL PENNY chapters into your email box as I produce them.
It's free, in case you were wondering! And it's for adults, not children; in movie terms, it's rated 'R'.
Thanks for letting me indulge in my hobby. Best wishes for the lunar new year: 恭喜發財!