The Serenity of the Sit
Jeremy Epstein
Professionally, I am passionate about #Marketing and #Web3. I have other passions as well and I'm not shy about sharing them on LinkedIn. ????????????????
If you sit down in a chair, on a couch, on a bench, or on a pillow, how long before you feel that urge to “do something.”
Maybe it’s a look at your phone.
Maybe it’s a feeling that you need to get up and organize things.
Maybe turn on the TV.
Maybe think about what you need to do tomorrow or what you did yesterday.
How often, though, can you just simply feel enjoyment from actually being seated?
It’s difficult for me.
But, I’ve realized, that’s the training and the goal.
Learning how to sit with no feeling other than being satisfied, if not thrilled, by the mere act of sitting.
Do that…and many other things start to feel better.
Of course, doing that isn’t easy.
Now, go and sit.
Originally posted on my blog: