A September to Remember

A September to Remember

Hey folks,

The dog days of summer are over and to quote my former favorite show, Winter is Coming (yes, I signed the petition). Before that though, it’s sweater weather…

It’s also pumpkin spice season with coffee, candles, and donuts..? Things have gone too far with that phenomenon, but in their defense autumn is a great time of year, so I get the obsession. When the seasons change they bring hope, promise, and visions of a successful future. Also it's when we prepare ourselves for the exciting days ahead. What’s exciting about the world of Oneflow and contracts at large? Let’s take a look:

P.S. Scroll to the end to see a king

The Quarterly Contract Compass Report

We’ve created a new report called the Contract Compass Report, which is where we get the pulse and the temperature of the world of contracts. We gathered insights from hundreds of professionals who work with contracts as core parts of their jobs across continents. We’re going to be releasing this on a quarterly basis so that we can be as accurate as possible with our insights to chart the future of contracts. So be on the lookout for this report going forward.

You can get this invaluable resource for free here:

Why Your Company Wants You to Return to the Office

It’s because of contracts, of course. Seriously, companies signed contracts before the pandemic that were favorable for them, as they receive tax breaks when employees commute to the office. Obviously, the pandemic threw a massive wrench into the effectiveness of their lease, as everyone had to work from home for a while. And we got used to working remotely. Which, to be honest, hybrid working is very much here to stay. However! Companies who signed a lease to rent out big office spaces for their employees naturally want to get the best bang for their buck.

Sessions Serves with Digital Contracts

Sessions is a company that is reshaping one of the hardest industries for companies to succeed in. The food industry. By leveraging digital contracts in their sales efforts with Hubspot and in their HR department with Teamtailor, they are giving more restaurants the ability to find sustainable success.?

Read the whole story here:

The Writers Guild of America have found a contracting solution

It uh, appears that unions work. The Writers Guild of America and the studios have reached an agreement that would pretty much give the writers what they were looking for. This is is a victory for our future winter TV and movie binges, as well as for contracts in general. While the “ink” has yet to dry, a tentative agreement has been reached. Seems that they were able to find terms, and a contract that they all could sign.

The most valuable contract signed in 2023... so far

Joe Burrow, American Football player and Quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals signed a contract extension worth over $275 million! That is a hefty payday for the man from Ohio. Which makes us wonder what other valuable contracts have been signed this year? We still have a few months left, so this list is liable to change, but it’’s quite the list with some surprising names.

What's the highest value of a B2B contract signed this year? We'll figure that out in next quarter's contract compass report, which you can get here.

Where to see us in action next:

We’re bringing digital contracts to your doorstep or your local convention center. Whichever is closest. Here’s where we’re going to be in the month of September and where you can see the magic of Oneflow for yourself:

PeopleTech Oslo

We’ll be at PeopleTech on Wednesday, October 11th. Digital contracts are perfect for HR teams and departments, as they get your new hires in the door quicker. We’re also excited to see tons of other companies and products on display at this event. So if you see us there, come and say hey!

SaaS Summit Benelux

We wouldn’t miss out on one of the biggest SaaS event of the year in the Benelux region. We’ll be building bridges, sharing knowledge and democratizing contracts with SaaS leaders and industry experts on November 8th. You can find some very tall Oneflowers there who will gladly speak with you about digital contracts.

Salesforce AppExchange Live Amsterdam

Salesforce events are always a good time. And naturally we wouldn’t miss out on them. This time however, we’ll be at the Salesforce AppExchange Live in Amsterdam on November 9th. We’re excited to see the digital transformation journeys that others have been on, and showcase to others how digital contracts can aid in their journeys as well.

Pink Summit 2023 - The Future of Recruitment

On October 27th, we’ll be at Teamtailor 's Pink Summit 2023 as confetti sponsors, where the future of recruitment will be discussed and how the talent acquisition landscape will change in the coming years. Join us there to learn firsthand how digital contracts can have a huge impact on recruitment and hear from some top class speakers!

Meme of the month

September is soon to be a wrap, and it is closing week for Quarter 3. So good luck and god speed to everyone out there trying to close some deals this week. We’ll see you next month!


Adam L Brewster from Oneflow



