September Newsletter Solvoz: Gender-Responsive Procurement, Local Tarpaulin Manufacturing, Training opportunities and more!
Gender Responsive Procurement Alliance Update
The GRP Alliance has been announced in an earlier edition of our newsletter. The GRP Alliance is an innovative partnership (co-founded by SheSupplies ) and forthcoming portal for key stakeholders to create fair and sustainable supply chains that foster gender equality, diversity and inclusion.
Most large international development and humanitarian NGOs spend their largest budget component on procurement (up to 60-80% of their budgets). Yet, less than 1% of this goes to women-owned businesses. This gap highlights a crucial opportunity for change! The GRP Alliance has been founded as a collaborative partnership, seeking new partners to join and provide value to members, funders, policy makers and suppliers globally.
Market Assessment - local manufactured Tarpaulins in Indonesia and Philippines (USAID - BHA)
Solvoz just launched a new RFI for local new local manufacturers of Tarpaulins in the Southeast Asia region (click here to access RFI). Solvoz has been working in collaboration with Resonance Global on local RFIs earlier, in order to demonstrate a simplified process to identify national and regional businesses that manufacture humanitarian core relief items and products (NFI's and Tarpaulins).
This week, an RFI of USAID - Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance was launched, to identify local suppliers capable of manufacturing Tarpaulins locally, ethically, and more sustainably. If you are a local manufacturer, or working with manufactures in Indonesia or the Philippines, and they are not yet part of the Solvoz supplier base, please make sure to access this RFI from USAID!
Procurement Training for NGOs
Over the last weeks Solvoz designed tailor-made trainings for humanitarian and international aid procurement and supply chain staff. The focus of the training is about improving procurement practices and guidelines regarding Humanitarian Procurement, procurement cycle management, how to select and validate suppliers, methodology for choosing RFQ-RFI and Tenders, bid evaluation, Additionally we designed some modules on how to integrate sustainability and logistic practices in the procurement process.
The scope of the training is to provide an understanding of the principles of effective public procurement, the generic procurement process in humanitarian aid. After completing the training, participants will be able to plan, implement and evaluate a sourcing process appropriate to the category being procured and respond to the rules and procedures from Donors and humanitarian aid procurement.
The training will be available and customized for NGOs in two different options: online or onsite with Solvoz Team. Contact us today if you want to learn more!
Case study: Water Filters - Delivery of emergency humanitarian supplies to Ukraine
Solvoz provided a Procurement Solution for a national NGO based in Germany, which typically operates locally. The NGO was tasked with procuring water filters and other household items in order to support their sister agency in Ukraine.
Solvoz supported in with crucial market assessment skills along with essential logistical and technical expertise. Supporting and developing precise technical specifications which clearly outlined the required standards for household water filters.
Equipped with these details, our Procurement Unit then launched a tender process through the Solvoz platform. The main outcomes after finalising the Procedure were:
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