September is Hunger Action Month
Imagine not knowing where your next meal would come from. Unfortunately, this is the harsh reality for approximately 17 million children in this country. It is happening right here, right in our own backyards.
With a previous background in counseling, I've seen childhood hunger at its worse. I've had children walk into my office begging for snacks because they knew that it would be the last meal that they would have until they returned to school the next day. I have dug deep into my wallet to find $.40 because some of the students that I served didn't even have enough change to purchase reduced lunch.
I am very proud and fortunate to be apart of a company that believes in giving back. When someone inquires about the benefit of my services, it is often much larger than the rate or benefits of becoming a customer. The benefit is simply changing the life of someone each time you pay a bill that will be paid anyway. By becoming a customer and paying your bill each month, you are not only getting great services at outstanding value, but you are helping feed a hungry child in North America.
My personal goal is to provide 200 meals during this month to increase awareness right here at home and I could use your support. This can easily be done by simply turning on a light in your home or choosing to protect the identity of yourself and your family. The first step is to simply comment to the article by providing your zip code. This will allow me to determine what offers may be available in your area.
Thank you in advance for any assistance that you may be able to provide.
Independent Individual & Family Services Professional
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QA Engineer
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