September Highlights

September Highlights

Career Readiness is here! ??

We’re thrilled to announce the successful launch of Career Readiness from Simucase!?

What’s Career Readiness?

A solution from Simucase, Career Readiness helps students advance in core competencies that students in all areas of study need to thrive now and in the future.

It builds skills in areas such as:?

  • Communication
  • Critical thinking
  • Leadership
  • Professionalism
  • Teamwork
  • Technology


If you have questions about Career Readiness, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re always happy to help!??

Simucase consultative services: We’re here to help

Looking to take your curriculum to the next level? Simucase offers consultative services to help you maximize your Simucase experience!?

Our team of Certified Healthcare Simulation Educators is here to support you every step of the way.

In just one 2-hour consultation, we can help you with:

  1. Content selection - Find simulations and videos that align with your course objectives.
  2. Prebriefs & debriefs - Take a deep dive into our proven FIRE methodology.
  3. Transcript analysis - Use our intuitive faculty dashboard to analyze student transcripts.
  4. Evaluations - Streamline your midterm and final evaluations.
  5. Remediation plans - Craft effective remediation plans that help students reach their full potential.
  6. Research - Get guidance on your research endeavors.

Ready to get started? Request pricing info.

You’re invited to the Simucase SIMposium

We hope you’re planning to join us for the second annual Simucase SIMposium! This free virtual event, exclusively for faculty and administrators, will take place on Friday, Sept. 20 from 12:00-2:00 pm EDT.?

During the event, you’ll get a peek at new Simucase content. And you’ll hear from our featured guest speakers about how Simucase enhances student learning in their programs.?

Plus, you’ll have the chance to join a small breakout session. (You can choose the breakout session tailored to a specific profession OR you can take part in our Career Readiness breakout session.) All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance.?

Don’t miss out! Register today to secure your spot.

Register now >

Simucase SIMposium speaker highlights

Here’s a sneak peek at some of this year’s speakers who will share how Simucase enhances student learning in their programs.?

Presentation: Beyond the Simulation: Using Extension Activities to Improve Competency and Facilitate Skill Generalization

Rebecca Lulai, MA, CCC-SLP, is the Director of Clinical Programs in Speech-Language Pathology in the Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences at the University of Minnesota.

Presentation: Using Audiolab and Simulated Learning to Enhance Undergraduate Audiology Education: Activities and Outcomes

Peter Wasiuk, AuD, PhD, CCC-A, is an Assistant Professor at Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, CT, and director of the Owl Auditory-Cognitive Science Laboratory.

Lauren Calandruccio, PhD, CCC-A, is a Louis D. Beaumont University Professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.

Don’t miss out: Register today to secure your spot! Register now >

Faculty support: We’re here to help

We strive to provide our members with exceptional service. Our faculty support team is available to help. Reach the faculty support team at [email protected]. They’ll work to ensure that you and your students have an enriching experience with Simucase.

Upcoming conferences

Looking for ways to build connections? Meet the Simucase team! We’d love to connect with you!

2024 ASAHP Annual Conference

Oct. 8-10 | Atlanta, GA

Simucase will be exhibiting and presenting.

19th Annual Physical Therapy Education Leadership Conference

Oct. 18-20 | Oakland, CA

Simucase will be exhibiting.

2024 CSWE Annual Conference

Oct. 24-27 | Kansas City, MO

Simucase will be exhibiting.

2024 AOTA Education Summit

Nov. 8-9 | Charlotte, NC

Simucase will be exhibiting.

Annual Southern Association of Colleges and Employers (SoACE) Conference

Dec. 8-11 | Orlando, FL

Simucase will be exhibiting.

Practice makes perfect!

Western Psychological Services has partnered with Simucase to create simulations for students to practice administering the Arizona-4, CASL-2, GOAL, PPA Scale, OPUS, and the OWLS-2.

If you’re interested in learning more about simulation-based learning, schedule a demo today. Don’t forget to specify your area of interest!?



