September Highlights: More Network Visibility, Simple Map Exports & API Updates

September Highlights: More Network Visibility, Simple Map Exports & API Updates

Clearer network visualization

We've refined the design to help you spot your network partners more easily on the map. Network partners now appear larger and are connected by dashed lines, making them stand out from external roles and groups.

Image of a work map with a larger network partner circle with a dashed connecting line to the parent organization.

Simplified map exports

Introducing an improved map export feature! As a map owner, you can now export a simplified list of all roles on your live map, complete with group assignments, role holder names, and their contributions.

Image of a screenshot showing an excel table with columns listing the organizations roles, their group assignments, their role holders as well as their contribution percentage.

API: Update and delete roles or groups

Take control of your organization's roles and groups with our Public API. You can now seamlessly update and delete existing roles and groups by providing their valid IDs. Make precise modifications to your map from outside of Peerdom.

API: Assign and unassign a role to a peer

With our Public API, you can now assign and unassign roles directly to peers. You even have the option to assign electable roles and set re-election dates, giving you more control over your organizational design.

Learn more about previous updates in our release notes.



