September Events: Ideas for Integration Into Business Promotion
By Mettevo | Wordpress Web Design SEO SMM

September Events: Ideas for Integration Into Business Promotion

Fall is a colorful season with exciting events. National or international holidays bring various occasions which stimulate sales and promote business brand. The first fall month causes many hot offers with optimized content and visible effects. September diversifies the digital marketing calendar with curious ideas to attract more clients.

September 1 - National Tofu Day

Tofu is classic food for vegetarians and Asian cuisine superfans. Traditional soup recipes or secrets of the homemade technological process become a valuable background for updated blogging content.

Although September is full of interesting promotion ideas for food industries, National Tofu Day has multifunctional commercial channels:

  • Restaurants and launch bars of Asian cuisine. Built the loyalty program for the tofu-contained dishes or apply lead magnets like giveaways. Free offers for parties or romantic dinners would be great if you wish to highlight your delivery accompany services;
  • Vegan cafés and stores. Thematic discounts or holiday-related gift cards are perfect for engaging new clients and increasing your brand awareness;
  • Food coaches or animal protection communities. Influencers also prefer this occasion to remind society about the benefits of meat-free diets and the nutrition facts of these soybeans-based foods.

September 2 - World Coconut Day

Many SMM managers are excited to insert World Coconut Day into their content marketing planners in September. This nutrition-enriched product grants fantastic advertisement images associated with tropical beaches, exotic cocktails, and ocean breezes. However, this day occupies more commercial industries than the famous chocolate bar manufacturer:

  • Cosmetics vendors. This occasion would positively contribute to the business profit-making activities of different stakeholders - from distributors of branded makeup products to beauty bloggers;
  • Beach fashion designers. This marketing occasion gets fashion gurus inspired by creative tropical bikinis or exotic tops with elements of coconut shells. In addition, the respective ads of exclusive designs will grant the expected eCommerce outcomes;
  • Event managers. Publish client-attractive ads with stunning photos of the conducted entertainments. If you plan Hawaii-style parties, choose this day to offer particular discounts for potential clients.

September 3 - Skyscraper Day

September is rich in different holidays, which give an array of lead generation promotions. Construction companies, interior design agencies, real estate, and architecture bureaus are the primary beneficiaries of this occasion-dedicated advertisement campaign.

Commercial websites and business social media pages could increase organic traffic via the following thematic measures:

  • Publish interactive quizzes about skyscraper historical facts;
  • Share a unique video guide with the top 100 tallest skyscrapers worldwide ;
  • Create a free app to develop individual design projects for business-appropriate multistory buildings;
  • Launch special deals for new or current leaseholders.

September 5 - Teachers’ Day and International Day of Charity

The fifth day of September unifies two digital marketing stimulation holidays, opposite to their initial nature. Luckily, SMM managers and eCommerce market researchers draft effective lead magnets and advertising tricks to celebrate the following events:

  • Teacher’s Day. Educational platforms, training centres, and freelance educators are induced to enlarge their target audience. These specific eCommerce businesses welcome leads to join upcoming courses or graduate programs. Testimonial-like ads or free webinars are always productive magnets to convert more clients to your web schools;
  • International Day of Charity. Charitable funds and people caring NGOs could organize thematic online or offline mass events. Flash mobs, crowdfunding campaigns, or fundraising fairs should be oriented to implement noble objectives - children's treatment, orphan support, or free meals for vulnerable groups. Use SEO-optimized techniques to create eye-catching content and involve more people in the vital issues.

September 6 - Fight Procrastination Day

The September eCommerce promotion list is supplemented with extraordinary occasions capable of involving specific B2B-oriented clients. This day is aimed at overcoming lazy moods and highlighting time management value. As such, SMM managers may encourage particular merchants to promote their products and services:

  • HR brands. Employee hunting businesses could recognize their brand thanks to fact-finding research described in the thematic blog articles. Moreover, use checklists and questionnaires to help your clients measure procrastination degree;
  • Personal development courses. Integrate procrastination-contained content forms to discuss with your clients time management benefits. Show practical cases about balancing work and rest and doing each task by the scheduled time. Encourage procrastination tolerant people to join your related seminars or purchase training materials;
  • Mental health recreation centres. Emphasize procrastination in investigating content and demonstrate this process as brain self-recreation effects. Some neurologists consider procrastination a psychological state signaling, “Stop working; it’s time to rest."

September 7 - National Salami Day

What could be more delicious than these spicy sausages? Even a slight mention of these gourmet foods provokes a range of stunning appetite-stimulating imagination. Family restaurants, hypermarkets, and pizzerias welcome this September occasion to be added to the annual content marketing calendar.

To conduct successful promotional campaigns, do not miss the essential lead generation tools:

  • new product testing areas in supermarket sections;
  • funny prints for bags or other wrapping packages;
  • local fairs and sales;
  • gift cards;
  • quizzes and guest table serving ideas.

September 8 - World Literacy Day and World Physical Therapy Day

This September day grants plenty of marketing ideas for different categories of customers and dictates commercially beneficial options for B2B and B2C deals. In particular, SMM managers recommend paying attention to two globally essential occasions:

  • World Literacy Day. UNESCO declared this holiday to prevail on the value of writing and reading skills. Under the e-marketing meaning, education-related entities and organizations should apply this holiday to demonstrate their goods and services which are acceptable for social needs. Even digital learning game developers could promote their products with the cited motto for 2022 World Literacy Day - Transforming Literacy Learning Spaces ;
  • World Physical Therapy Day. Private clinics, rehabilitation centres, and fitness coaches should not miss this holiday in their brand awareness schedule. Exiting reports, infographics, before and after articles, and other visualized content highlight your business specialization and increase relevant traffic to your commercial website.

September 9 - Teddy Bear Day

The most famous childish toy, named after the 26th President of the US , has its specific holiday scheduled for September and realizes sales-driving promotion ideas. Teddy Bear Day is a chance to boost your traffic dynamics and increase brand awareness for toy stores, children's cafés, and baby cloth manufacturers. To this end, everything you need is:

  • Offer special discounts for teddy bears;
  • Design lovely thematic prints with sweet propositions;
  • Organize online contests like funny stories with stuffed toys and foresee appropriate prizes;
  • Prepare interactive quizzes under the theme of “What Teddy Bear Is Ideal for Me”.

September 10 - Swap Ideas Day

Swap ideas occasion refer to opinion-sharing activities conducted during team building events. Family members, friends, colleagues, and even intersectional coworkers could gather in one place to discuss up-to-date topics, have fun, and demonstrate hidden personal talents.

So, do not lose your chance and highlight this September business promotion event enlisted to your content plan. To simplify searching efforts for commercial areas, experienced SMM managers have many advertising concepts related to Swap Ideas Day for:

  • competitive gaming industries, like quest rooms, paintball clubs, or private team game centers;
  • guest house rent providers, including beach houses and camping places;
  • lounge bars and thematic cafés;
  • art halls and open-air library gardens.

Each business could promote its services with discount programs for groups of clients with occasion-related promo codes.

September 12 - Chocolate Milk Shake Day and National Video Games Day

Snacks, milkshakes, and games are your best friends. Therefore, on this September date, digital market researchers could create cross-cutting promotions and combine two holidays for interactive advertisement content:

  • Chocolate Milk Shake Day. Perfect for family restaurants, Disney-like cafés, and coffee shops, this marketing occasion traditionally foresees specific sales for these drinks or introduces excellent lead magnets. However, you may strengthen B2B sales and promote gaming developers with free promo codes for discounted milkshakes;
  • National Video Games Day. The mixed ads with sweet drinks and yummy snacks could differentiate promotional tools. Blogging gamers and digital companies could engage a target audience with checklists, contests, and other customer journey tricks.

September 13 - National Peanut Day and Positive Thinking Day

The middle of September optimizes the content marketing strategy and generates many ideas for omnichannel resources. Hence, you may indicate specific commercial spheres and appropriate brand promotional campaigns acceptable to the particular holiday:

  • National Peanut Day. The peanut could be called a national symbol of the US. You can not imagine a more exciting beginning of the day than a sandwich with peanut and grape jam. Grocery stores and hypermarkets must use this occasion to present new products with incredible flavors or discover facts about this sweet nutrition. However, do not forget to emphasize your client-oriented business with mention of peanut allergy-suffering people;
  • Positive Thinking Day. Yoga centers and psychological courses are the top platforms for e-marketing promotion of this holiday. Audio content with relaxing sounds or a list of mental therapy exercises is a valuable trick that enlarges leads and increases their session duration on your optimized web pages.

September 14 - National Cream-Filled Donut Day

It is hard to imagine a person who has never tasted fluffy donuts as delicious desserts or complete snack alternatives. These crispy dough fries with various fillings find genuine fans in mass markets. The classic cream-filled donut occupies the accompanying businesses and induces them to demonstrate September-related promotions:

  • Unify fall motifs with cream-filled donut ads;
  • Use stunning illustrations with donuts and add outstanding mottos;
  • Organize a donut eating contest;
  • Share promo codes of your brand among your business partner channels;
  • Build helpful content like giant donut rankings, homemade recipes, and top donut vendors in place.

September 15 - International Day of Democracy

Perhaps, inexperienced e-marketing researchers might be confused by the commercial nature of the national social value holidays. Indeed, this September occasion is an excellent opportunity for mass media platforms, NGOs , charity funds, and online educational entities to increase traffic inflows via differentiated marketing ideas:

  • Create blog articles that raise human rights issues, gender equality, and women empowerment. Add real-life cases to increase relevant traffic to your website;
  • Produce creative prints for apparel and handout stuff;
  • Practice the remarketing ads to strengthen your brand genetic traffic and involve more stakeholders;
  • Encourage opinion leaders to enlarge your social media community and emphasize democracy-concerned values.

September 16 - World Ozone Day

The other society-inspired holiday celebrated in September can convert new clients to eco-product distributors, mass media platforms, and environment protection NGOs via acceptable promotions. SMM and SEO managers of these profitable businesses could optimize customer segments upon integration of the actions dedicated to World Ozone Day:

  • Enrich your content with retrospective dashboards and reasonable statistics;
  • Organize volunteer projects and parallelly launch online flash mobs;
  • Disseminate visibility items or branded souvenirs;
  • Adjust customer journeys accompanied by your organic products or society-oriented services.

September 17 - World Patient Safety Day

Private clinics and juridical bloggers would be pleased to increase their target audience with this September marketing occasion. This polemic topic is an excellent way to make the website content more relevant to current social issues. To join more clients to your business, use this occasion to:

  • Give a free consultation about how to protect patient’s rights;
  • Provides true stories about successful proceedings;
  • Draft the route map of the patient’s action for their interest protection;
  • Generate free promo codes for discounts in clinical surveys;
  • Create branded products.

Each massage should have transparent background dedicated to high customer value. Ensure random visitors that their rights prevail in your company’s mission.

September 18 - National Cheeseburger Day and National Women's Friendship Day

September could hardly be qualified as business promotion month without ideas proclaiming two lead generation events:

  • National Cheeseburger Day. Burger houses, fast food restaurants, cafés, and grocery stores offer thematic discounts for their clients or promo sales on this day. Two burgers for one price is an excellent idea for appetite-stimulation customer behavior. On social media and web resources, giveaways, quizzes, and multi-topic blogs would positively supplement digital marketing measures;
  • National Women's Friendship Day. Female-concerned businesses like beauty saloons, cosmetics stores, and accessory and fashion boutiques should think about interactive campaigns which successfully combine this holiday with their business specialization. Encourage consumption growth with valuable offers like significant price recession for friend girls. In addition, organize the photo flash mob “Me with My Best Friend” or select the most popular women’s friendship samples. Rachael, Monica, and Phoebe from “Friends” or charismatic girl characters from “Sex and the City” would be perfect to create funny memes and attractive ads with your brand.

September 19 - National Butterscotch Pudding Day and National Dance Day

September is full of marvelous marketing ideas to optimize online businesses. Representatives of food industries and private dance classes could accomplish their brand awareness thanks to separate occasions:

  • National Butterscotch Pudding Day. This delicate dessert as particular snacks or flavor-filling for candies and sweet sauces grants catering entities and supermarkets additional preconditions to remind customers about their brand features. Experiment with lead magnets and discount programs to increase more clients to your commercial business channels;
  • National Dance Day. Dance schools and vendors of dancing attributes prefer this occasion and optimize their omnichannel resources with creative content. Blogs about famous dancers or thematic movies, hashtag contests, and promo code sales are influential if you encourage people to teach plastic movements for the first wedding or high school graduation day.

September 20 - National Pepperoni Pizza Day

What could fulfill a productive working day? Or how can you warm up your movie night with friends or family? Perhaps, meals containing crispy bakeries with yummy toppings and melted cheese are perfect for friendly conversations or an easy-going atmosphere. However, you hardly refuse to enjoy your day-off meals without pepperoni pizza. That is the preferable topping ever. If you wish to integrate this September occasion into your content marketing strategy or lead generation tools, pay attention to some aspects:

  • Develop discount options for this product and differentiate them per different client groups. If delivery exceeds five order items for an address, discounts should be proportionally estimated;
  • Optimize advertisement content with visibility elements;
  • Create a video list of famous movies or TV shows with pizza lovers;
  • Share quizzes dedicated to personal qualities assessment, like “What pizza topping is best for you?”;
  • Involve customers with promo codes disseminated via B2B contacts.

September 21 - International Day of Peace

September helps people to remind themselves about a treasurable sense of human life and violence-free living , using appropriate offline and online promotion campaigns. Apart from democracy-specialized NGOs, independent mass media, and online educational platforms, online government services or philanthropy-oriented businesses could highlight their reputation and engage more clients to their web portals.

To proclaim peace creatively, optimize your online content with the following elements:

  • fact-finding research;
  • emotional life-based cases;
  • heart-melting teasers and video ads;
  • inspired illustrations;
  • handout visibility items and publications.

September 22 - Business Women's Day, Elephant Appreciation Day, and Hobbit Day

Whatever market niche you occupy, this September day is a source of unlimited marketing ideas for your online content:

  • Business Women's Day. Fashion boutiques could generate several beneficial ads for female business apparel. Personal development coaches and psychological schools emphasize their platforms via interactive guides, checklists, and investigations under the theme of leadership and empowerment qualities for purpose-oriented women. Housekeeping and meal cooking brands could introduce remarketing actions for their products with memes and encouraged mottos to draw the attention of successful working moms;
  • Elephant Appreciation Day. Toy stores and kid’s educational centres could mention these gorgeous animals and build client-attractive strategies. Spiritual enlightenment portals could apply this topic to the blogging section and describe the metaphysical benefits of elephants in Feng Shui philosophy;
  • Hobbit Day. Online textual and audio book stores and movie platforms lovely call for famous literature characters to create business communities and explore thematic lead magnets for customer database enlargement.

September 23 - International Day of Sign Languages

If you think using language proclamation is inappropriate for digital marketing, this September holiday will make you change your decision and include this occasion in the promotion list. Promo mass events and blog articles will be practical tools on the websites of the following businesses:

  • inclusive centres;
  • educational platforms;
  • private clinics;
  • public organizations and charitable funds;
  • mass media resources.

September 24 (Fourth Saturday in September)?

International Rabbit Day?

This September holiday is a digital marketing-approved occasion for many businesses. If you have an alternative meaning, think about these fluffy, charming balls of tenderness. Moreover, who does not like Bugs Bunny?

Customer-centric ads with magnetizing content about rabbits, their natural places of living, and eating habits are ideal for the following commercial entities:

  • vet clinics;
  • pet stores;
  • toy markets;
  • childish cafés;
  • kid’s animation agencies and party makers;
  • eco-activists.

September 25 - World Pharmacists Day

Medical establishments and drug stores are obliged to mark this September date as their professional holiday and a reason for the brand promotion activities. SEO and SMM technologies related to this occasion should highlight:

  • product qualities;
  • gift cards and specific loyalty programs for retired persons or vulnerable groups;
  • free consultations;
  • primitive clinical surveys;
  • unknown facts about the pharmaceutical industry.

September 26 - World Environmental Health Day

The ending of the ninth-month results with numerous sales-driving occasions qualified as September promotions. If you are confused with the commercial nature of this international holiday, take the following recommendations into account:

  • Optimize scientific and fact-discussed content with practical cases for eco-friendly manufacturers and environment protection associations;
  • Build diversified PR tools and pricing alternatives for distributors of organic products;
  • Grow up your target audience through mass media adaptive communication channels;
  • Establish B2B promotion contacts between suppliers and thematic opinion leaders.

September 27 - World Tourism Day

Summer is not ultimately a tourism-acceptable period. September could prove this statement through digital marketing ideas for tourist agents, airline companies, hotels, restaurants, and other vacation planning organizations.

To increase the number of clients and drive traffic to the appropriate web resources, SEO and SMM specialists focus on some crucial points:

  • Publish illustrative posts with attractive mottos;
  • Compile video content with natural landscapes and fabulous landmarks;
  • Emphasize discount offers;
  • Distribute visual materials at the reception points;
  • Welcome counterparts and potential clients to visit international conferences and fairs .

September 29 - World Heart Day

September is the perfect time to create sales-increasing promotion ideas for medical services and private clinics. Even food bloggers could apply World Heart Day to emphasize the advantages of healthy dietary formulas. Do not give up if your traffic is about the recession phase.

In addition to traditional blogging tools, you may choose the following lead magnets:

  • checklists for self-examination of heart-related ailments;
  • guides for healthy heart operation;
  • promo codes for free consultations and cardiovascular diagnostics;
  • Interactive questionnaires to strengthen person-to-person ties.

September 30 - International Translation Day

Foreign language educational schools and translation bureaus should not waste time and launch the last September day as a source of interesting promotions. Your clients can not stand away from:

  • funny memes;
  • free e-books;
  • self-translation apps;
  • preferable pricing scheme;
  • useful route maps which explain complicated grammar cases;
  • interactive podcasts.

Get Insights with More Curious Marketing Ideas for the First Fall Month

The presented September-related marketing ideas are not limited. Our SEO and SMM managers could generate more profit-making tricks for particular occasions. Diversify your digital marketing planner with these events and enjoy your optimized organic traffic inflows.

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