September Equinox & Making it Count
Nicole M Dewey
Business Strategist. RevOps Leader. Hubspot Pro. Experience Creator. Avid collector of billions of tiny moments of adventure, joy, love, gratitude and presence ??
Yesterday, the Sun crossed the celestial equator heading south. ?
In the Northern Hemisphere, this signified the Autumn Equinox and the beginning of Fall, as our friends South of the equator step into Spring.
Indigenous cultures recognized earth-based wisdom and allowed themselves the grace to slow down and check in with themselves during these transitional periods (Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox). Today we live in uncertain times sprinkled with illness, division and fear, surrounded by a LOUD culture that celebrates hustle, sweat and grind. It's no wonder so many of us have lost our way!
Changing seasons are key points in the cycle of life in nature, and within this cycle many ancient cultures perceived a powerful deeper message for humanity.
The equinox acts as the perfect reminder to honor the balance and interaction of opposites, check in with yourself spiritually, and ask yourself what could make the rest of this day, this week, and this year truly count.
In politics they say the first 100 days of any governing party sets the tone for the rest of its tenure. Well friends, we have just 99 days left to show 2021 what we've got!
This also happens to be the same approximate amount of time that it takes for a new behavior to become automatic, for a new habit to form.
Reevaluate your life. Prioritize your sleep. Start a new morning ritual. Get back in the habit of reading and journaling.
Take a social media break. Clean out the closet. Call three people you love.
Plant a tree. Surprise your kids with a nature trip. Do something NEW. Something adventurous. Something WILD.
We are the only true experts on our journey to fulfillment, happiness and enlightenment. While you might have a lot of people offering guidance and telling you what you need to be healthier/happier/wiser (fill in the blank)...
Always make sure to filter the information through your own heart.
Take just a second today, or better yet work it into your schedule once a week, and evaluate where you are vs. where you want to be. Things shift daily, and that's OK! We're all works in progress on this journey called life.
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 in the following areas. Then set some goals to move the needle up across the major areas of your life.
These dimensions are interconnected and all contribute to balanced, vibrant living. Become aware of where you're at and where you'd like to be, then set some goals, form some new habits, and begin to make daily choices?that will lead you to a more successful existence.
We've got this! ??