September Edition
O baby—we’ve got news for you! In our wellness forward September edition, we heard from the experts and the moms who are using cannabis to re-route their health trajectories. They’re getting out of their heads and into their bodies to own their orgasms, mend their marriages, and prioritize pleasure and peace.
We felt so inspired that we created a list of ways we’d recommend spending your next high. Check it out and tell us what you like! We’d love to tailor our next CannaCuration to your preferences or to suggest something you can’t go without.
xoxo Diana + Tekisha
What's Trending
Can Cannabis Boost Your Orgasm? The Research You Need to Know
We sat down with Dr. Suzanne Mulvehill to learn about the ways that cannabis can help treat female orgasmic disorder. She shared evidence about the benefits that regular orgasms have on our mental and physical health, and told us more about why she has committed to researching and advocating for changes to public policy regarding medical cannabis.
Share My Story
Present & Patient Parenting with Cannabis?
Monica is a married mom of three who swapped alcohol for cannabis to save her health and her relationships. She shared what plunged her into a bad place to begin with and how cannabis helped bring her back to life. Now happy and healthy, Monica is an advocate for safe cannabis use and cannabis reform in her home state of Louisiana.
This Month’s Picks to Guide Your Sesh:??
What We’re Having It’s fall, y’all! Okay, almost… so we’re sipping on some THC infused apple cider. It measures 10mg per can, so if you’re new, we recommend splitting it in fourths, or at least in half, then trying out one of our recs below.
Write & Reflect The trifecta of Super Harvest Full Moon is approaching! Use this time to journal about what you have in abundance that you’re grateful for.
Move Your Body Take advantage of cooler morning temps and later sunrises and go for a sunrise walk. Pop in a podcast or just enjoy the sounds of the world waking up.
Read & Relax Let the cannabis transform you into the narrator of this murder mystery by Stuart Turton…we NEED to hear your thoughts.
Can’t Miss TV Back to school isn’t just for kids with FX’s new comedy, English Teacher. Have you already started watching?
On Repeat The fun that Paris Hilton is having with her new album is palpable, and we’re here for it (but in the kitchen rather than the club).
Snacks & Sips If you’re feeling adventurous, take advantage of seasonal apples & blackberries in this homemade crumble…if not, Trader Joe’s fall specials are back, and we can’t get enough of the apple shortbread cookies.
We’ve got you covered in a round up of where else you can read, watch, and hear more from us!?
Our new merch is live on the site, and it's designed with you in mind!?Add a?touch of personality and attitude to your wardrobe.
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