September Is Chiari Malformation Awareness Month!
Neil Bickle (MBCS) (AssocIScT) (ICTTech) (TMIET) BSC (Hons), PGC TM (Open), PGD TM (Open)
MSC in Computing student at Open University UK and CAO - Functional Neuroanatomy Alumni from the University of Cambridge, (MBCS), (AssocIScT) and (TMIET) Members with a professional registration of (ICTTech)
Hello Everyone.
it is coming near september again which means it is Chiari Malformation Awareness Month!
Chiari is a lifelong condition, there is no cure, only treatment to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.
A Chiari Malformation is where the lower part of the brain pushes down into the spinal canal, there are four types of Chiari malformation, a I, a II, a III, and a IV.
Throughout september i will be posting about Chiari for people to read and/or share.