September Canton Operation Report
As we turn the calendar to September, we are in the last month of the City of Canton's fiscal year.?During this month, staff continues working through ongoing projects to either get them finished or to have all plans in place to have the projects under development at the start of the next fiscal year (October 1).
?Project Updates:
?Downtown Tree Lighting Replacement--
The City has replaced all of the decorative tree lights in downtown as part of a new maintenance agreement with a private vendor.?The agreement covers the monthly maintenance to keep our downtown streetscape sparkling, including new types of lights. Make sure to see the new waterfall lights on West Main.
Harmon Park Upgrades--
The City is wrapping up the first phase of improvements are Harmon Park as part of a Community Development Block Grant Project with Cherokee County.?This phase included updating restroom fixtures, bleacher upgrades, building improvements, roof improvements, lighting upgrades, and curbing for erosion control.?The next phase will include a redesign of the park.?The City purchased two adjacent properties to Harmon Park to extend the entrance road, add additional park, make land available for a new mini-pitch soccer field with Atlanta United, add a new pavilion, add a half-court basketball court, relocate the batting cages, add sidewalks, improve drainage, and replace fencing on the baseball fields.?An engineer is being tasked with the design work and portions of the project, including the soccer field will be completed this upcoming Spring.
Window Replacement at 151 Elizabeth Street--
As part of an efficiency project, the City removed a number of stained glass windows at the 151 Elizabeth Street Complex (Public Safety & Municipal Court) and replaced these with custom energy efficient windows.?The older windows were given to the former building occupant, First Baptist Church of Canton.
Tree Removal along Teasley Street--
Some vegetation and trees that were overhanging the roadway along Teasley Street were recently removed.
Juniper Street Sidewalk--
The City is working on a stormwater and sidewalk improvement project along Juniper Street.?We are currently working with contractors to develop a project scope.
Riverway Jam Removal--
The City has removed a large log jam at the Etowah River and Waleska Street Bridge.?This project used to occur about every five years but is now an annual project with development north of the City in unincorporated Cherokee County and further north.
Automated Meter Reading Project--
The City's utility department is working on a project to convert readings to an automated platform.?Requests for qualifications were turned in earlier this summer and a smaller pool of firms were asked to move forward with full proposals.?These are due the end of this month.
Property & Casualty Insurance--
The City is out for qualifications for the agent of record for the City's property and casualty insurance.?These qualification packages are not due until the end of October.
Water Pollution Control Plant--
The City's sewer capacity expansion project at the entrance to Boling Park is ongoing.?Council approved a further expansion of the project to 7MGD from the current 4MGD capacity.?Several slabs and a retaining wall have been installed.?The Administrative Building is underway.?Precast tanks are currently being installed. A new roadway through the area of the plant was built and is now open to the public for access to Boling Park.
Laurel Canyon Booster Pump Station--
This project is completed.
Amos Road Booster Pump Station--
This project is scheduled for final inspection and walk through this month.
Heights Place Water Line--
A new 8" water line on Heights Place from Marietta Highway to Butterworth Road was installed to increase water pressure in that area.
Old Ball Ground Sewer Expansion & Etowah River Trail Connection--
Work continues on the sewer and trail project that will connect Heritage Park and Boling Park on the north and west side of the Etowah River.?Almost 3,500 of the new sewer line has been installed and new sod has been installed in portions of Heritage Park
Archer Street Parking Deck--
The City Council will approve contracts for the construction of a new 98 space parking structure at City Hall along Archer Street.?The project includes electric vehicle charging stations and a solar array.?This project will start in October and should be completed by May 2022.
Now Hiring:
The City is currently hiring for the following positions--
Manager of Economic Development & Tourism
Housing & Residential Services Manager
Deputy Utilities Engineer
Development Inspector I
Information Technologies Intern
Census Data:
The City of Canton has a new 2020 Census Population of 32,973.?The City is the 34th largest in the State of Georgia and was the 9th largest growing city with 10,015 new residents since 2010.?Of the top 10 largest growing cities, Canton had the third fastest growth rate (44%) behind Chamblee (204%) and Woodstock (47%).?If it were a county, Canton would be the 58th largest county in Georgia, bigger than Gilmer and Dawson counties and only 243 residents smaller than Pickens County.?There are 537 cities in Georgia, with 237 of those cities losing population in 2020.
Events in September:
First Friday in Downtown 9/3 at 6 p.m.
Farmers Markets 9/4, 9/11, 9/18, 9/25 at Brown Park (9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.)
City of Canton Multicultural Festival 9/4 at Etowah River Park (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
Light in Darkness 5k 9/6 at Etowah River Park
Control Line Stunt Championships 9/11-9/12 at Etowah River Park
Northside Hospital Cherokee Hiring Event 9/16 at Etowah River Park
Relay for Life 5k 9/17 at Etowah River Park
Boling Park Warpath Invitational 9/17-9/18
Canton River Rock Summer Concert 9/18 at Etowah River Park
Have a Nice Day 5k 9/19 at Etowah River Park
Riverfest by the Service League of Cherokee County 9/25-9/26 at Etowah River Park