September Blues? Pack a little 'summer' to go.
Kristine Albano Garlisi
How the ‘to do’ gets done. Chief Operating Officer to philanthropreneurs, Lois & Richard Nicotra. The Nicotra Group, Staten Island's largest private real estate developer, owns the Hilton Garden Inn/Hampton Inn & Suites.
College classes are in session, and for many with younger kids, back-to-school prep is in full swing.
September might not be the start of the calendar year, but for many it is the REAL 'new year', with a hectic schedule ringing in the calendar flip from August to September.
When I was a college professor and work-life ran according to the academic calendar, and later as a parent, September often felt like a giant STOP SIGN, halting all the fun of summer.
But my mind has changed, just like the seasons do. September might mean a more packed calendar, but my view on fitting a little summer into each day is a concept for the ages and I learned the lesson on the corporate campus where I work.
Recently, a crew from Community Media of Staten Island visited Lois and Richard Nicotra. Host Al Lambert chatted with the Nicotras about 'what's next' for The Nicotra Group and The Lois & Richard Nicotra Foundation . As I scrubbed through the footage shared from filming day, a screen grab from the piece (shared here, above) made me smile - a dance break on the roof of Corporate Commons Three at Nicotra Grown Organic Rooftop Farm.
Yes. A dance break.
As the Nicotras talked real estate, hospitality, industry recovery, and pushing onward through challenges, Bing Crosby's "I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter".
The Nicotras grabbed each other's hand and started twirling. The moment and music hit them; as Bing sings about 'writing himself a love letter' full of sweet words, the Nicotras twirled on their Rooftop Farm in front of a bright blue sky.
The Nicotras' year-round schedule requires us all to dance fast. The days are as quick as a two-step, and people often ask me how they (and I) fit it all in and still smile.
Even when the day is hectic, and even when the stress of the day climbs to a crescendo, the Nicotras look for pockets of happy and fit a bit of summer fun into each day.
Pack a bit of your summer-self and perspective into your new school backpack and pull that out on a busy day.
If you hear music, dance.
If you can let the sunshine of a fall day hit you in the face, do it.
If the days feel hectic, write yourself a letter and remind yourself that the 'summer you' is there, and challenge yourself to find moments of levity and peace.
Summer can't be the only time we enjoy life.
September, let's dance.
For a full video of the Nicotras' interview with Al Lambert here:
#september #backtoschool #fall #dancing #worklessons #mentors