September 2023
Hello everyone,
I wanted to update you on our Synthetic Data Summit, which will be held on 30th November of this year in London, UK. On the agenda you will see the presenters who will be there. I will highlight a few below.
Paul Comerford from the UK Information Commissioner’s Office, Giuseppe D’Aquisto from the Italian data protection authority. They provide the regulator perspectives on synthetic data. As a new privacy enhancing technology that is gaining rapid adoption, understanding the regulatory landscape is critical.
Puja Myles from MHRA will present the work she and her team have been doing on creating synthetic datasets from the CPRD data, a large primary care database. Jonathan Pearson will provide an overview of the experiences at NHSX with the generation and application of synthetic data within a large health system.
In addition, we will have a number of life sciences companies presenting their experiences with generating and applying synthetic data for internal and external use cases.
We are not limiting the discourse to privacy use cases, though. The presentations by Puja Myles and Lamin Juwara from the University of Ottawa will talk about data augmentation and bias mitigation as additional applications.
You can register here:
Best regards,
Our next training course on Practical De-identification Methods for Health Data will be held on 23rd and 24th October in NYC. This will be the last course for the year. We have not decided on a schedule for 2024. Therefore, this is a good opportunity to learn about contemporary de-identification techniques that are consistent with best practices and the recent ISO standard, and go through hands-on exercises to demonstrate them.
Additional details are available from here:
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