Sept #Edu resources - part 3??
Al Kingsley MBE
All things #Education, #Ai, #EdTech, #Growth. CEO NetSupport, Multi Academy Trust Chair, DfE Advisory Board, 24 ISC Global Edrupter, Bestselling Author/Speaker, DBT Export Champion, #Edufuturist, BESA EdTech Chair. FRSA.
Howdy folks, I hope you have all had a successful, purposeful and fulfilling week, and if not, this next 20 minutes of reading will help provide a small smile or spark of inspiration. It certainly does for me writing it each week. If you need a quick boost and a reminder to keep on going, then take a quick watch of this and see if it does the trick ;)
This is another focused episode while I wrap up my authoring duties. I'm into the last few tweaks, and then i'm going to be brave and hit the submit button. This also means at some point, I am going to be leaning on the power of my amazing PLN to help spread the love once it is available for pre-order. I managed to conclude just in time at an almost spot on 99,000 words, which for me is classed as a short conversation ;)
I've had a fun week this week; I led an event in Cambridgeshire called "AI in the Octagon" with the Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce which was great fun, and also super informative. No matter what you try and share, you always learn in equal measures at these events, so I'm really pleased to have been invited to speak. I was also supporting their "Going Global" Export event on Wednesday, wearing my DBT #ExportChampion?hat, meeting up with Nitin Patel and Charlotte Horobin . Again, it was a really interesting conversation, sharing experiences for different sectors across my region. As I always try to say, "Sharing is Caring", and this was a perfect example. To be fair, the Cambs Chamber is really doing fab stuff right now across our region, alongside an ever-evolving Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority team with big growth plans. I also caught up with Rick C. from the ANME - Association of Network Managers in Education .last monday, which is always a pleasure.
Next week I have some preparator calls with the Department for Education for a briefing event on #Governance, catching up with Richard Hutchins from the Oxford to Cambridge Pan-Regional Partnership , I'm down with the lovely team at Alpha Academies Trust talking #AI with their school leaders and then I'm jumping on a plane to Riyadh to speak at the LEARN Events which should be a highlight. Sadly, as I've shared, for health reasons, after that, I'll be grounded from flying for the remainder of the year, so I'll make the most of this one.
I'm keeping the newsletter as a bit of a pot luck of content. Hopefully, that means you have to read through and perhaps discover a few juicy articles that weren't on your radar or resources you can share with peers; we all appreciate a bit of sharing.
Oh, and don't forget to give this week's newsletter a share so others can dive in and connect with all the fab folks included as well.
?? The Global Equality Collective shared a new blog titled "Hardwired Connection: A Social Capital Framework" by the always excellent value Nic Ponsford FRSA FIESE ?? , it's an excellent deep dive into how schools can foster networks of support and trust, transforming the way students and staff engage with one another. Take a look here.
?? Let's get an #AertsAlert from the lovely Carla Aerts into the news early on. She shared an article from 美国斯坦福大学 titled "Covert Racism in AI: How Language Models Are Reinforcing Outdated Stereotypes", Carla noted "The outdated stereotype is being reinforced. Bias is not quite dealt with the way we might be led to believe by the AI companies, getting better at the make-believe whilst fine-tuning models not quite in step to the promise being fulfilled." It's fundamental we are all best informed on this topic so please take a moment to peruse of the article from here.
?? I'm always happy to share articles from Rose Luckin , she is another of the names who sit very highly on my #CPD list as a trusted, and considered voice. She shared another excellent post this week, linking to her excellent newsletter "The Skinny". This week, she was rethinking education in the AI era, saying "It's not just about teaching coding or data science anymore. We're facing a paradigm shift that requires a complete rethink of our educational approach. It seems to me that there are a range of new challenges that we all need to navigate – especially those of us involved in education or training." Have a read of her post here, it's spot on.
?? Ross McGill is always sharing helpful resources, last week he shared "10 Tips for Strengthening Memory that you can adapt for your context". I would tell you what they were, but I've forgotten ??, so read them for yourself here.
?? I wrote another article, this time for the folks at EdTechReview Media Pvt Ltd highlighting "Resources to Help Teachers Equip Students for a Changing Future" - you can take a peek here.
?? This podcast always pops up on my feed, and seeing the latest episode of Kai Vacher 's excellent "Educator's Corner" podcast was with the always insightful Jim Knight , well that was just an extra bonus. They discuss a new era for school inspection, a curriculum revolution, and, of course, AI in Education slips into the discussion. Well worth a watch here, or if you prefer, a listen here.
?? Now, when John Mikton shares some resources, you know he is going to be on generosity level 10, and this week, he shared a brilliant post jam-packed with resources and articles to read. As John explained, "the dynamics of online bullying can be more complex and harder to manage, especially with more AI tools coming into play". This is his curated list of resources that support those critical conversations - you can find them here. I've cherry-picked a few below:
??Teenage Cyberbullying Statistics for 2024: Prevalence & Impact of Social Media - here
??The Risks of Deepfakes for Adolescents in the Digital Age - here
??How to Help Kids Deal With Cyberbullying - here
?? One that's a bit different from the fab Natalie Nezhati , who shared it as a "fascinating use case for AI in education that raises interesting questions around the ethical use of AI and the (hyper) personalisation of learning". The article is about how Teens are now using celebrity deep fakes to break down complex STEM concepts. They are not natural bedfellows, so it is well worth a read here.
?? Adam Garry shared an article from Sam Altman "The Intelligence Age", commenting that "I know he didn't have a lot of space to flesh out his thoughts on education, but it was one of the only verticals he discussed. I am not convinced that OpenAI is thinking deeply enough about education." Have a read of the article here and see if you think education is truly on their minds. Take a look here.
?? This one caught my eye from the always great value Gavin ?? McCormack , someone I have followed and respected for many years. It is a cutting from newspaper highlighting what Gavin describes as the "greatest thing he achieved as a school principal", the article title is "School that doesn't hold any exams". As Gavin shared, exams are a result of the global PISA rankings where countries are compared academically and then cities, schools, teachers and eventually children. It’s a failed system. Have a read here.
?? Candace Nagy shared an article by Richard Culatta where he shares tips to help the entire family develop and maintain a thriving relationship with technology. Richard is always great value for money, so chek out the article "Technology Is Here To Stay, So Focus On Helping Your Digital Kid Thrive With These 5 Simple Skills" from this link.
?? Sarah Horrocks shared another episode of her "Connected Learning" newsletter (it's a great one to subscribe to), where she covers topics including "Can GPT-01 reason, young people and AI, Instagram and teens, school phone bans, girls and computing, try making an AI podcast" and much more. Take a deep dive from right here.
?? Want to try another AI platform - of course you do! Well maybe? Shane McComb FCCT shared a great introduction to 美国斯坦福大学 ’s latest AI-powered platform: STORM. As he explains, It is a free, open-source tool set to transform how we approach research, writing, and content creation. Read his post and find out more here. Or jump right into STORM from here.
?? One of my favourite folks, Barbara Anna Zielonka was very timely after my news last week on Notebook LM, asking the question "Did you know that there is an open source alternative to Notebook LM that just came out?". As she shared, this new Gradio app converts PDFs into audio podcasts, lectures, summaries, and more. It uses OpenAI's GPT models for text generation and text-to-speech conversion. It's not exactly a direct alternative, but there is certainly some functional crossover. Have a read here.
?? Ok, actually, this is a two-for-one from Barbara, who also shared "The Digitalist Papers - A roadmap for #AI's future" which is a collection of essays that offers a roadmap for the future of artificial intelligence (AI), bringing together insights from leading thinkers in academia, industry, and civil society. You can find them here.
?? I'm sharing as always plenty of #AI resources and guides, in the spirit of balance, i'm sharing this post from Jeppe Klitgaard Stricker which covers "7 pretty startling highlights on AI's resource demands" including highlighting that just training Meta's LLaMA-3 AI model used 22 million litres of water. Wow. Anyway, take a look here for the other stats he shared.
?? Cristóbal Cobo is always high up on my list of folks to learn from, this week, he also shared an excellent guide for AI governance, a framework to Map, Measure and Manage risk courtesy of Microsoft . Take a look here at the shared PDF.
?? I always have a lot of time and respect for the work that Philippa Wraithmell at EdRuption is doing. This week she shared a handy blog post on "Student Engagement in a Digital Ecosystem" explainign that "Engaging students within a digital ecosystem means creating interactive and personalised learning experiences that captivate their interest and foster a love for learning. By leveraging technology, schools can provide diverse learning resources, facilitate collaboration, and empower students to take ownership of their education." Have a read here.
??A great read from Matthew Wemyss who shared a post titled "Your writing is meaningless. Your art is meaningless. Your code is meaningless." and then clarifying "At least, that’s how AI might make it seem". His article "AI and the Death of the?Author" is well worth adding to your bookmarks, or just dive in right now from here.
?? Caroline Keep did an interview on "The (Un)official Teacher's manual" podcast, sharing tips to teaching #Autistic children - well worth a listen on Spotify from this link.
?? The "Tattooed Teacher" Philip Murdoch ?? has been busy with more podcast episodes, including a recent one with Dr Anne McLeod , you can capture highlights from here. If you want to dive into all of his episodes, then follow this link.
?? Another one from my fab Ozzie PLN, Leon Furze shared a new blog post titled "Expertise Not Included: One of the Biggest Problems with AI in Education." Leon poses a well-considered argument on how AI should be used in education. He thinks that "Rather than focusing on "homework helpers" and "AI Math tutors", a better approach to AI in education might be found in smaller, niche applications like the recently updated Google NotebookLM: fit-for-purpose research tools and technology products which amplify our best approaches to education, rather than replicating tired, didactic pedagogies." Have a read here, it's well worth it.
?? Niall McNulty shared his experiences fine-tuning GPT-2 for creating curriculum content. As he explained "I recently tried my hand at fine-tuning a GPT-2 model (from Hugging Face) for curriculum content generation. The aim was to create an AI model, that I could run locally on my laptop, capable of producing grade-specific educational materials, such as lesson plans and classroom activities, based on curriculum documents." Have a read of his excellent blog from here.
??A great read courtesy of this share from Ben Kornell , who noted "teens are first-adopters of basically every technology... ?? No surprise that #AI is the next in line, but still the Common Sense Media report "The Dawn of the AI Era: Teens, Parents, and the Adoption of Generative AI" shows just how fast this adoption is happening." Well worth a read from here.
??This post from Abhinav Kimothi is one for those with a deeper interest in AI LLMs and the latest iterations. He shared a great summary with supporting guides, on the topic of Chain-of-thought (COT), which he noted is back in the buzz with the O1 models by OpenAI who use CoT during the reinforcement learning phase of the model. One for the AI specialists to dive into from here.
?? Heather M Brown, PhD shared an article from Tech & Learning titled "4 Tips for Designing AI-Resistant Assessments", Heather said that "For instructors looking for ways to redesign their assessments, I found this article insightful. By rethinking how we assess our students in the world of AI, we can uphold academic integrity and still enhance student learning." Have a read here.
?? Alicia Santiago, Ph.D. shared an update from Digital Promise who have been awarded $10 Million to Lead the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Research Center to support english learners’ reading skills through the use of generative AI. They also have $500K available to bring in new research partners who can help them to advance the work. If that sounds interesting then reach out to Jeremy Roschelle . Also have a read here.
?? Matt Pitman shared an article on Edutopia - George Lucas Educational Foundation by Carla Marschall titled "How the Drive to Be Socially Connected Can Lead to School Improvement" sharing that it sheds light on how complex change—whether adopting culturally responsive teaching or rethinking assessments—requires complex contagions. Take a look here.
?? Mark Anderson FCCT shared a really good article "Generative AI Can Harm Learning" where he explains "There’s no shortage of excitement around AI in education. Generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, have made their way into classrooms and seem to offer endless possibilities for helping students (and teachers) with everything from research to problem-solving. But we need to be careful, AI can either support or hinder learning, it all depends on how it’s used." A good read you can find here.
??I always love to read the ideas from top man Ben Whitaker who reminded us this week that "Play is serious business. Learning should be play. Work can be play." And that he loved this video from the LEGO Group , and linked to the video, Ben said that "I read some incredibly insightful stuff in Todd Rose’s The End of Average too that resonates. Like the idea that the pace at which someone learns something is not correlated to how well they retain it. The idea that timed high-stakes tests actually show evidence of ‘learning’ is flawed." It's a great video that I hadn't seen before. Have a watch here.
?? There is a brand new issue (8) of the RISE Magazine featuring educator topics on Wellbeing, SEND, EdTech, Online Safety, and much more. Have a read and subscribe from here.
?? Phillip Alcock and the team at AIxPBL have teamed up with to craft immersive AIx learning experiences that empower students to 'go beyond' within humanities subjects, or as Philip shared "From 'Got It' to 'Going Beyond.'" Take a look here.
?? Another very handy resource, and well worthy a read is also from Cristóbal Cobo who shared An “Ethical Decision Tree” to guide students and faculty thinking in determining when it would be appropriate to use AI, recommended by ISTE . It's a five part process from Start > Consider > Evaluate > Research > If. Well worth a look here.
?? Another excellent newsletter series is from the fab Bonnie Nieves , she's onto series 2 of the newsletter, and in her latest episode they are "exploring why routines matter and how setting consistent structures in the classroom can create more space for student engagement and autonomy." Worth a read from here ( and subscribe while you are there).
??Well, I do like a good podcast, and "The International Classroom" from Alex Gray is a great example of a professional and well curated one. This week, he discussed with Andrew Wright the question "Is our education system keeping up with the times?". I'm sharing the link to the episode on YouTube.
??Top man Gary Henderson attended the #TEISSLondon2024 event on Cyber which focussed on resilience, recovery and response. He shared his experience in a blog post, and for all of you concerned about security, this is a worthwhile read.
?? Christoffer Lindved Dithmer shared the new AI guidelines and guides for staff use of artificial intelligence in Vallensb?k Municipality (Denmark), and include instructions for the use of various AI services in the workplace to provide clarity on what is possible and, just as importantly, what is not. I really like their visual guides, take a look here and see what you think.
?? Darren Coxon also shared an excellent 10 minute video showing us how to use #AI in three creative and interactive ways when exploring literary texts. I really liked this so have a watch here. #CleverChap
?? Carl Hooker shared an article from Forbes titled "Students Learned Twice As Much With AI Tutor Than Typical Lectures", commenting "Interesting findings in this article about AI tutors. Yes they can be helpful, but they must be trained thoughtfully and properly, otherwise the learning gains are minimal." Almost feels a bit like a Bloom's 2 Sigma topic, but have a read here.
?? Matthew Esterman ???? shared the latest edition of the Teacher Learning Network Journal, titled very simply "Ai in Education", lots of interesting articles to dive into. Take a peek from here.
?? Alex Sharratt and the team at John Catt is becoming Hachette Learning have a brand-new series of practical, subject-specific guides designed to support secondary teachers of all experience levels, with their new "Subjects in Action" series. They are being released this term, and you can find out more here.
?? Pete Henshaw and the fab team at SecEd shared their latest podcast episode, which offers practical ideas, tips, examples for the effective use of teaching assistants in the secondary school classroom. Well worth a listen to this and other episodes from here.
Right, well, seeing as I am grounded for November and December, here are reminders again of a few events I'm really going to miss + a few new ones I've added this week for good measure:
?? GESS Dubai on the 12-14 November - always a fab event. Find out more here.
?? International Schools Partnership Network (ISPN ME) on the 19-20 November - new to the region, but based on their UK events, will be well worth attending. Find out more here. Jack Jacob Chester Freitas
?? EdRuption Event for teachers and leaders in Abu Dhabi on the 9th November - deep dive into ADEK’s digital policy and discover how to build an end-to-end digital strategy tailored for your school. This event will guide you through practical steps to align policy with practice, ensuring a holistic and impactful digital learning environment. Find out more from here. Philippa Wraithmell
And a few closer to home....
?? Clara Lin Hawking is going to be speaking on the AI for Africa online event on "The Impact of AI on the Education Sector in Africa!", on October 9th, you can register here.
?? The team at John Catt is becoming Hachette Learning have their online EdTech Conference: AI for educators on the 21st November. I'm going to be speaking as well as Rose Luckin , Mark Anderson FCCT , Olly Lewis and Patrick McGrath - so guaranteed to be fun. Sign up here.
?? The Reconnect Conference in Swansea is a new one on the calendar and well worth checking out from here. It's on November 28th.
?? Don't forget to save the date for the Texthelp "Festival of Inclusive Education" #InclusiveEduFest on the 10th October. You can get the sessions from here, so do sign up and yes, i'm going to be joining the amazing array of conversations to lead a discussion on "Personalised Edtech: Supporting Diverse Learning Needs."
?? The team at Persona Education have a webinar "Personality Informed Pedagogy with Persona Life Skills" on the 2nd October. Signup free from here.
?? The brilliant folks at TransforMATive are running a 5 part hybrid series (some in-person and some online) on strategic leadership and digital transformation in MAT's, led by top folks like John Murphy . You can register to join their programme "TransforMATive Leadership: Strategic Leadership and Digital Transformation in Multi-Academy Trusts" from this link. It runs from 19th Nov through to April 2025. I highly Recommend this one.
?? The ANME - Association of Network Managers in Education have an event at The National Museum of Computing on the 1st November. I'm going to be sharing a bit of a roundup of the awkward questions and topics in education right now, so do come and join the fun from this link here.
?? The MAT Partnership Network (MATPN) Midlands event is on the 25-26th November, i'll be there, fingers crossed. Find out more here.
?? Don't forget to get your ticket for Bett Global 2025 on the 22-24th January. Registration is from here. It's going to be a cracker this year.
I've updated my #Edu, #Ai and #EdTech recommended list with loads of additional books, take a look and see if any could find a home on your reading list. Al's Book List.
?? Les Walton CBE shared news on the latest "collaborative" book from the AoEA - Association of Education Advisers "Advising on School Improvement" noting that it "demonstrates that school improvement is not a narrow formulaic solution but a multifaceted, sophisticated context driven approach. Congratulations to the wonderful expert authors" It's out next month, but you can pre-order a copy from here.
?? Another upcoming book on my Christmas Wishlist is "Unleashing your Inner Genius" from the Ideas Guy Ben Whitaker , now I may find out that it went missing a while ago, but assuming I have an inner genius, i'm relying on Ben to set me straight. If you have yet to find yours, this has got to be on the stocking list. Get on his waitlist for the new book here.
?? Peter Twining shared a recommendation for "The Next Word: AI & Teachers" by Dr Nick Jackson and Matthew Esterman ???? , following, in my view, a recent boon of excellent books from Australian Educators, so here is a link so you can get it on your reading list too.
?? I probably should be promoting mine a bit more, but of course, I have to give this one a very healthy plug from the lovely Dan Fitzpatrick . It's due out in January, and I certainly can't wait to grab a copy. You can join the waitlist here, which I suspect is pretty long from this link. I'll share more details in the coming weeks, and probably a podcast chat with Dan too ;)
?? Also coming out at the end of January is the brilliant "EdTech Playbook" by Mark Anderson FCCT and Olly Lewis , I've seen the draft manuscript and it is going to be a cracking addition to any bookshelf. You can get your pre-order in here.
Right that's a wrap for today, back onto the final book edits for me. Huge Thanks, as always, for your support and the amazing resources being shared. I'll be in Riyadh next weekend for the LEARN Events , so you are going to have to hang out until the following weekend for my next update. Sorry!
This week's?#CandleClub?goes to everyone working across our schools, and I'm sending positive vibes to you, one and all. I would like to single out a few folks who made time to share insights with me for my book, you are amazing...and thank you. Abid Patel Anne Bailey Bonnie Nieves Carla Aerts Clare Flintoff FRSA Craig McKee Dr Ian Young Tim Coulson Dr Will Van Reyk Dr Helen Price Dr. Rachelle Dené Poth Gary Henderson John Magee ???? UK Kindness Ambassador For Schools ?? John Mikton John Sibbald Kai Vacher Kat Cauchi Kavitha Ravindran Leon Furze Mark Anderson FCCT Mark Steed Matt Jessop Matt Pitman Nic Ponsford FRSA FIESE ?? Pete Read Philip Murdoch ?? Phillip Alcock Bob Harrison Sonia Livingstone SJ White Shemal Rajapakse Simon Luxford-Moore Tim Smale Tracey O'Brien .
Right, time for a brew for me, and a treat for Ferdi.
Al (& Ferdi).
P.S Please don't forget to give this a share across your channels, or just hit the share button on this page.
You can book me to come and cause some fun and disruption at your event via Katie Cavill and The Learning Line via this link. Please also reflect on the diversity and representation of your speakers and panels at your events when reaching out.
??2022 EdTech Leadership Awards winner - EdTech Digest
??2023 Edufuturists of the Year.
??2023 Outstanding Achievement winner - Educational Resources Awards (ERA) Awards.
??2023 Inspiring Leader winner - British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) Awards.
??2023 Education CEO winner - EdTechChronicle .
??2024 Top 100 Influencers in Education - District Administration magazine.
??2024 Top 25 Education Technology Influencers - Feedspot .
Digital learning and strategy consultant, former director, London CLC
5 个月Thanks so much for the share, Al.
You're welcome, Al Kingsley! I hope my thoughts were useful. Thank you for another insightful read.
Wow! Such a comprehensive coverage. Thanks Al Kingsley for reading my post and sharing it here. Much appreciated.
AI in Education | PBL 2.0 | CEO/Co-Founder PBL Future Labs | Founder AIxPBL | Project-Based Learning with AI Advocate
5 个月Thanks again for curating great articles and news, Al Kingsley!
Authentic learning for every student | STEM Education Innovator | AI-Enhanced Teaching | Professional Learning | Curriculum Design | Learning Experience Design |??| Grammarly Ambassador
5 个月Thank you for the amazing shares and for including me ??