Separation/Delamination of Thermo-Mechanically Controlled Processed (TMCP) pipeline steels
TMCP is a common manufacturing method to produce high-strength/high-toughness pipeline steels. These combination of properties are mainly achieved by hot-rolling of steels in the austenite non-recrystallization region which results in grain refinement. This process, however could result in an elongated/fine grained microstructure.
For this pipe steels tensile and charpy impact specimens may show splits/delamination due to a few mechanisms including the presence of planes of weakness in the rolling direction.
Figure 2 shows the microstructure of elongated grains (ferrite/pearlite) of the pipe and splits of the CVN specimen with regard to the rolling direction
The severity of the splits/delamination depends on the final rolling temperature. The lower the rolling finishing temperature, the more sever the splitting will be. Moreover, lower CVN test temperature increases the number of splits.
Is this fracture brittle?
Bramfitt and Marder believe that “this fracture does not exhibit the typical cleavage appearance, and the likely mechanism is de-cohesion. Although cleavage behavior obviously plays a role at low test temperatures, it cannot be the cause of splitting” and the specimens show “necking behavior between splits”
An important point is API 5L Annex H (Sour Service Applications) is not applied to these pipes and HIC resistance is not guaranteed.
Another point is the toughness would be lower 45° from the rolling direction, which would be a concern especially if the pipe is spirally welded.
References and some related studies:
·?Bramfitt, B.L., Marder, A.R. A study of the delamination behavior of a very low-carbon steel.?Metall Mater Trans A?8,?1263–1273 (1977)
·?X.J. Shen et al., Delamination toughening in a low carbon microalloyed steel plate rolled in the dual-phase region, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 766, 2019, 138342
·?Hudison et al., Evaluation of delamination mechanisms from Charpy impact test in API-X70 steel. 13th International Conference on Fracture 2013, ICF 2013. 2.
·?F. Di Gioacchino, et al., Side-grooved Charpy impact testing: Assessment of splitting and fracture properties of high-toughness plate steels, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 252, 2021, 107842.
·?Hudison Loch Haskela, et al “Microstructure and Microtexture Assessment of Delamination Phenomena in Charpy Impact Tested Specimens”, Materials Research. 2014; 17(5): 1238-1250
·?Inoue et al, Effect of Delamination and Grain Refinement on Fracture Energy of Ultrafine-Grained Steel Determined Using an Instrumented Charpy Impact Test. Materials. 15. 867.
·? Mitchell, E. et al, Microstructure and Thickness Effects on Impact Behavior and Separation Formation in X70 Pipeline Steel, JOM Journal of the Minerals Metals and Materials Society, [online],,
·?Farber, et al. Separations in steels subjected to controlled rolling, followed by accelerated cooling. Phys. Metals Metallogr. 117, 407–421 (2016).
·?Sun, M.; Wang, X.; Misra, R. On the Determining Role of Texture in Causing Delamination During Impact Fracture of Ti and Nb-Ti Microalloyed Steel. Preprints 2019, 2019070113 (doi: 10.20944/preprints201907.0113.v1).