SEPA Request to Pay (SRTP) Ver 3.
Sathyamurthy Subramanian
Banking & Payment Professional (SWIFT, RTP, ACH, FEDWIRE, ISO20022, SEPA, TARGET 2), FX treasury management, and trade finance. Trainer in Banking and Soft skills. Registered Independent Director (IICA)
SEPA Request to Pay (SRTP) Ver 3.
The European Payments Council propose to include SEPA Request to Pay to support?e-invoicing?& commerce?and the effective date of this third release is set to 30 November 2023.
The RTP should be considered as a part of an end-to-end user payment experience. For example, when purchasing goods and services, regardless the variety and complexity of commercial processes involved, the following basic components can be distinguished:
? Preparatory stage establishing the underlying transaction for which a payment is due.
?Creation and presentation of the RTP to the Payer.
? Acceptance or Refusal of the RTP. The Customer (Payer) can accept the RTP – and this Acceptance can be followed by an immediate or future payment - or refuse it.
?Payment process, starting with the initiation of the payment and selection/confirmation of the payment instrument, followed by the execution of the payment after customer Authentication as appropriate.
Participants and Roles
The four types of roles involved in the Scheme include:
? Payee
? Payer
? Payee’s RTP Service Provider
? Payer’s RTP Service Provider
The RTP Scheme
Request-to-Pay (RTP) is developing into a collective term for digital payment requests through which, after confirmation by the payer, a transfer is triggered on the basis of the data contained in the request. To foster the use of interbank transactions in the SEPA area and to offer customer-friendly use cases on this basis, the relevance of request-to-pay was recognized, and a working group was formed with the so-called multi-stakeholder group. With the publication of an RTP framework in November 2019, this group defined the solution space and concretized it with the publication of a set of rules in November 2020, whereby care was taken to address the broadest possible number of use cases (e.g. payments at the physical point of sale or in e-commerce). The RTP Scheme does not primarily pursue an economic interest, i.e. no license fees are due for its application. Figure 2?shows the simplified process flow and its main characteristics.
Key facts
?Four corner model
?The diagram below illustrates the RTP flows for a generic, 4-corner eco-system, applied to basic use cases in physical or online retail commerce, person-to-person (P2P), or E-Invoice Presentment and Payment (EIPP) transactions (e.g., at Business-to-Customer (B2C), Business-to- Business (B2B) and Business-to Government (B2G) level). In this model both payee and Payer use their own RTP Service Provider.
?The RTP supports
? Accept now: the RTP must be accepted immediately.
? Accept later: the RTP can be accepted at a later time.
? Pay now: the RTP must be paid by the Payer immediately, at the acceptance time.
? Pay later: the payment is initiated at a later term than the acceptance time.
It also supports Rejects, Recall, Return options.