Sep 9 - Ask For Help


“Many of us feel stress and get overwhelmed, not because we’re taking on too much, but because we’re taking on too little of what really strengthens us.” – Marcus Buckingham

Want to save time and money? Want to avoid wrinkles? Want to spend more time with your children, pets, and hobbies? Here’s the scoop!! A professional résumé is one of the most underutilized documents around, because most associate it strictly with finding a new job or career, which is a different level of stress entirely! However, if you get your résumé into the right hands right now, it will be a creative way to deliver all the promises previously mentioned!

Start your journey of stress-free and creative résumé utilization. Get that résumé to your network teams: ?

Medical Team - (Primary Care Physician, Chiropractor, and Massage Therapist): If you see these regularly, it’s due to stress. Help your medical team diagnose the situation to get you on a road to rapid recovery!

Financial Team (Banker, Mortgage Lender, Life Insurance Agent, Financial Advisor, CPA, and Realtor): Your retirement builders need to know where you’ve been and where you are to help get you to where you want to go!

Security Team – (Trusted Neighbors, Security Alarm Company): If you are out of town, this team can help prevent a crisis. Share your information to stay current and prepared!

Hair Team - (Hair Professional, Skin Care Specialist, Spa): Collectively, your team of “magicians” probably know more about you than you do! Back it up with a current résumé and you’ll create a vocal network for those “hidden” opportunities!

4-Legger Team - (Veterinarian): You probably see your vet more than your primary care physician. Your vet needs to know what to do in an emergency. Vets know the local buzz, much like your Beauty Team!

Special Interests Team – (Church, Volunteer & Professional Boards): Casually share your current résumé with colleagues outside of work to break the ice. Be a great non-profit board member for the overworked and underpaid Executive Director by putting your fundraising, public relations, and overall enthusiasm to work for the organization (and include these skills on your résumé.) When you think in selfless terms, you will enjoy self-confidence, revitalization, and a better quality of life!! By setting a great example, others will follow your lead and become better versions of themselves. Remember, you are too blessed to be stressed!!

MY TRUTH: I grew up in south Louisiana and had an amazing childhood. Some would call it magical. The experiences shared and lessons learned made me a strong, courageous person who was brave enough to take risks in life and love. One of the hurdles I couldn’t jump, however, was asking for help. Somehow, I felt it was a sign of weakness or lack of brainpower. I learned much later than I’d care to admit is that nothing could be further from the truth. We have a need to help others. And when we don’t ask for help, we are BLOCKING someone else from the blessing of helping us!! I learned that lesson through a long list of generous friends who overlooked my shortcomings and helped me despite my attempts to dissuade them.

When you feel alone at key points during the day, remember that you’ve got a vast network of friends who are ready, willing, and able to assist. Here’s one of my favorites, from the Beatles!!

Finale performance - "With A Little Help From My Friends" - 2015 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Ceremony - YouTube

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