Sep 7 - Update Your Résumé


“Love the life you live – live the life you love.” – Bob Marley

Baby Boomers were born between approximately 1946 and 1964. Boomers continue to experience layoffs and are utilizing the opportunity to care for their aging relatives. If you are a Boomer who is currently balancing eldercare for a loved one, here’s something to consider.

You come from a sturdy demographic, known for being hard working and motivated by position, perks and prestige. You have a reputation for being a workaholic, independent and self-reliant. Goals are no stranger to you, because you’re usually quite competitive!! You’re self-actualized with the confidence, stubbornness, and willingness to try new things.

If ageism is getting you down, consider taking a quick 2-hour break and watching the movie, The Intern. It’s the story of a 70-year-old widower who becomes bored with retirement and itching to get back into the workforce. The CEO of the company who hires the “intern” is a dynamic workaholic who has a great vision for her company’s future but lacks real people skills to get things done productively. This movie will make you laugh at the relatable challenges that Baby Boomers face every day.

When life serves you lemons and the lemonade stand is not due for completion until the next fiscal year, a slight nudge in the right direction could be a much-needed remedy!! You are not a baby!! Get yourself some BOOM:

B - Be prepared!! Boomers may tend to avoid discussions about long-term planning. Some delay retirement and some claim they will never retire. Career preparation includes a back-up plan for the “what if’s” that can crop up in an uncertain economy. Logical steps can include researching an option of opening your own business or partnering up with someone who might have the next great idea.

O – Overcome your feelings of worthlessness by being good to yourself. Yes, YOU!! Remember that you are a strong, resilient, and confident person of means, resources, and brains!! If you’re not, surround yourself with others who have these qualities!! Be joyful that you are breathing and have a pulse! Attitude determines altitude, so envelop yourself with positive books, audios, CDs, TV programs, and terrific people. Dare yourself to dream. This may be exactly the time to act on a dream you’ve had your whole life but have been too afraid to do anything about it!

O - Own who you are!! You’ve made it this far! You have a plethora of life experiences just waiting to be shared with a younger and less-experienced generation. Employers are starting to understand that … and the youthful generations are stubbing their toes on simple soft skills (people skills). You are a PEOPLE SKILLS GURU!! Use your abilities and pass them on to the kids of today … Just do it!!

M - Move on!! When we experience any type of loss, there is a grieving process. Experts say that it takes at least a year to experience each holiday without that person. The same is true when a job is lost. Eat Blue Bell Ice Cream. Buy (or borrow) a new item for your wardrobe. Allow yourself time to grieve. When you feel up to it, press on. You will undoubtedly fall and scrape your knees somewhere in the process, but get out the triple antibiotic cream, band-aids, attitude, and get up to walk another day.

TAKE A BREAK: You are wonderful, because God created you!! Share your great experiences with others!! Have faith!! Take a break and listen to a feel-good song made popular by some noteworthy Baby Boomers!! BOOM baby BOOM!!

The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations - YouTube

Kayla Patel, M.A.

Associate Director, Employer Relations

2 年

This is so informative and cute! "You are not a baby!! Get yourself some?BOOM!" LOVE it!

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