Sep 26 - Update Your Résumé Month


“85% of one’s success at the workplace is attributed to soft skills and only 15% to technical skills.” – Harvard Study

Something extremely important in the job searching process is the inclusion of soft skills. You’ve probably heard the term “soft skills” before, but perhaps you don’t know exactly what they are. They are basically how you interact with people. By contrast, hard skills are tangible skills learned through focused education and training: welding, typing, crane operating, designing, technical writing, or correctly filing your taxes.

The four basic DISC communication quadrants are: Dominant, Influential, Steady, and Compliant. Each has a place in the work force. Understanding how to identify and then communicate with each style is more difficult.

D - Dominant communicators move at a fast-pace and may not display patience when interacting with others. They may prefer email and/or texting instead of a phone call or in-person meeting. They can be intimidating, demanding, and assertive on the job.

I – Influential communicators also move at a fast-pace and LOVE interacting with people. That might be their challenge, because they tend to talk too much! They are persuasive in their communication skills. They might enjoy focusing on the recognition earned within a particular job as much as doing the actual job.

S – Steady communicators move at a slower-pace and LOVE interacting with people. They are the superheroes on the job. Their challenge is the inability to say, “NO” for fear that they might let someone else down. They are superior at customer service.

C – Compliant communicators also move at a slower-pace and prefer working on projects instead of interacting with people. They are precise in their work and often the go-to people for analysis and research (neither of which include much interaction with others!)

CHALLENGE: Now that we’ve scratched the surface of soft skills, see if you can identify each of the four different DISC communication key points in others. Mastering this will help you communicate more effectively with others. To help, I’ve included a movie clip that’s sure to make you chuckle. I think you’ll understand after watching this short clip!! Stick with it!!

Zootopia: Meet the Sloth. HD (DMV Scene) - YouTube

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